
Jul 22, 2023
Substack vs. Medium - a compasion of publishing platforms

Image designed by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash

The platforms for publishing and newsletters provide writers the opportunity to earn profits from their work by looking at the long-term. Instead of developing affiliate programs, or filling their websites with ads, writers must concentrate on the thing they love doing- writing.

This type of exchange is beneficial both for creators and members. The writers are compensated for their content, while the users have access to the content they like while enjoying the content in silence, without of advertisements. If you're a journalist who's on an online journal or blog, this review can assist you in making the right decision about which one will be most suitable to your requirements.


Substack's goal is to supply artists with the tools they require in order to meet their goals. Substack has a wide range of services to meet the demands of artists who are looking to be in control over their work. In addition to options for monetization, the management of their audiences Substack allows writers to control their own direction and create the foundation for a long-term career.

Pricing and features

Substack describes itself as "a platform that allows you to develop your own." Substack lets authors publish an online publication that can be accessed by community members and helps build networks, and generate income by offering subscriptions. Substack affirms that there is no technical knowledge required and they intend to "take complete responsibility of all elements, with the sole exception to the most complex part (the layout)." They claim to provide "true freedom" which means that the author owns copyright rights to every piece of writing.

It's easy. Writers are able to upload content they've made using various platforms, including Mailchimp, WordPress, Tinyletter, Medium, Tumblr, as well as a variety of bespoke websites. You can create an entirely new site from scratch in just a few hours. When the website is ready and running, the creator selects content that is completely free. Other content goes to Substack. The Substack paywall. Substack is able to earn 10% of the earnings made in the event that the developer is making money from the site However it's possible to do so as long as the amounts are permitted, however Substack provides this service at no charge. Substack will provide this service at no cost. Substack team members claim it's feasible to "start from the beginning when you sign up for Substack starting with breakfast, before earning a profit prior to lunchtime." What can you do to accomplish this.


The Dashboard page is a list of blog articles are published and also the details about the most recent blog article. The stats you'll see will comprise the amount of times you've received are being viewed as well as the number of people who have subscribed to your email list as well as the total number of visitors who visited your site.

There are also a number of methods to make your next piece of material. Create a fresh article, or episode of a podcast, or even create threads. In this section, you'll be able to browse at your subscriber's information as well as their stats and their preferences.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack posts homepage

The posts and articles included in Substack newsletters and blog posts are called "posts which are uploaded to the creator's Substack page under their profile. Once an account has been activated, Substack automatically creates a draft of the original draft. It will then ask the user to sign up for the daily newsletter. Users can share the newsletter's information on various social media platforms. You can edit or erase the blog you've written before creating a fresh one.

The process of writing or editing starts with the introduction of subtitles, a title and the author's name. You can invite writers to write for you, and the text editor permits the addition of paragraphs and headings as well as buttons, images and more with bold and italicized phrases as well as statements and bullet points.

Select the Settings tab and choose Settings. You'll then have an option to change the visibility to the public of the blog's content. The blog can either publish an article that's open to all and allows comments, or not. Inside this section you can modify the date for publication along with the date on which your URL was created along with the secret "draft link" to allow you to distribute your article to family members or other friends (even before the publication date). You are able to send an initial test message and alter the preview you see on your social media platforms to ensure that your photographs are arranged correctly prior to sharing the content to the friends you've got within your network.

When you've completed the process of scheduling or publishing the blog's article, go back at your Posts page to determine how many visitors have read your blog's posts.


The dashboard displays the total number of subscribers as well as the total number of subscribers and paid subscribers along with annualized gross revenue and numbers of subscribers over the past thirty and ninety days, and over the course of time. The dashboard lists the email addresses of each subscriber. It also lets them choose the kind that they are a member of (free or paid) and the date when they joined, along with the earnings each subscriber makes.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack add subscribers

If you're seeking to include more subscribers in your current list it is possible to manually sign up your subscribers using an email address that you supply to export the subscriber database using MailChimp, TinyLetter, Patreon as well as other platforms to the format of a CSV file. Then, transfer it. The Substack uploader Substack uploader can load any email address that it is able to locate and display, however it will only show the ones that are included in the database of email addresses.


On your Stats Page Stats page, you'll have a look at the number of users who came to your site. Additionally, you can look at the amount of email messages that you've issued in a 30 or 90-day interval, along with the date the newsletter was first created.

The tab Traffic displays the top-rated web users and the source. This could be directly through your site, using the account you've created through your Substack Account, or even through other social media sites including Twitter.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack stats

The Email tab provides you with every detail about the article, such as the date of publication, year it was released and the amount of viewers (public as well as private) and details about distribution process, like the amount of emails opened by users and their open rate as well as the cost of subscriptions, or no subscriptions after the day's end as well as the engagement (likes as well as comments).


Edit your publication's name and the title. You can also modify the choices for discovery (such tags) and personalize your About page by adding details about the advantages of your publication as well as sign up as a subscriber.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack settings

There are a myriad of ways to change your tone as well as the design of your site. The design includes your logo as well as the cover images. This is along with your banner is used for marketing emails and your welcome email (which sends to users shortly after signing up). You can edit your email options, such as your email address, whether you want to receive emails with replies to your posts and your email address to RSS feeds such as [email][email][email[email protected]. There you can register and de-block your accounts on social networks, as well as Stripe for processing payments.

Integrity and compatibility

One of the main benefits Substack's platform has is its ability to import content across a variety of platforms. It can save you time as you will not need to copy and paste content on every platform you use. Substack allows you to transfer information from a range of different platforms, including, Mailchimp WordPress, TinyLetter, Tumblr along with websites. RSS feeds Tumblr, TinyLetter, web-based RSS Podcast RSS feed Stripe and more.

A majority of Substack's functions include storing and capturing information. So, you can add these: Google Pixel ID or Twitter Pixel ID, Parse.ly Pixel ID Google Analytics Pixel ID, Google Tag Manager ID, Google Site Verification in addition to Facebook Site Verification.

These pixels allow for monitoring your readership/engagement levels and some create an integration with advertising platforms. For instance, if you're an active member on Facebook for instance, Facebook when you link your Facebook Pixel ID (found on Facebook's Facebook Business Page) with the Substack Facebook will track users who view ads that are in line with the interests of those who are viewing these advertisements.


Medium is a digital publication and creator platform that offers various kinds of written content written by writers. Medium is a social networking site for authors that allows authors to communicate with their readers and interact with publishers and other people with similar interests. Medium's user interface is friendly and includes an array of social functions, with a built-in distribution platform.

Pricing and Information

Medium.com has a variety of tools and features that help writers and readers. Medium.com is now an ideal platform for both individuals and companies to share their thoughts and post news and content for a global public.

It's a breeze to design and modify content using an intuitive editor. Medium is a no-cost editor that provides important formats, such as headers, lists of pictures along with multimedia data. Once you've completed your essay, you can upload it to Medium before making accessible to anyone. You can be able to limit the audience you are able to reach to a certain set of individuals.

The access to unlimited usage is $5 USD a month when you pay a monthly fee or $50 USD per year to cover the entire year's expenses when all charges are paid in advance.


Similar to other platforms that offer social networks, Medium offers an extensive following of readers and followers who are constantly looking for new information. Through the use of algorithms and curation using an editor's choice publication, the information in the articles are noticed and will often read. The platform helps writers and authors connect with readers and build an audience and boost their exposure in their selected area of expertise.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium home page

Medium is an enormous platform that provides authors the opportunity to reach out to more readers and also gain the recognition they deserve for their work. Its huge audience assures you that your writing will be read by any person with an interest in this field.

The features of Medium, which let you manage your content can assist you in delivering the content that you've created to those who are interested. This will increase the likelihood of getting users interested in addition to the quantity of exposure that your content gets. By using these strategies of discovery, you will be able to benefit from media distribution channels that will allow you to expand the audience for your content.

Post editor

Medium comes with a range of tools for creating content that include advanced formatting capabilities and embedding media that supports videos and photos, along with the possibility of incorporating customized codes. Medium allows authors to create attractive, visually pleasing articles of high-quality content. Medium is a great choice for writers who like a more visual approach to writing.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's post editor

Through Medium's Post Editor which allows authors to modify the style and look of their posts to showcase their individual brand. Medium allows the integration of multimedia. It permits seamless integration of photos and videos and also interactive elements. If you're looking to showcase your photography ability, or perhaps provide information through images Medium can be used to design appealing materials.

Network effect

Medium fosters a sense of connection through features like notes, highlights and other information along with guidelines that allow authors to communicate and interact with readers. Tools for interaction facilitate rich discussions, and also provide authors with a safe place to interact with customers.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's network effect

The effect of the influence of social media on Medium has a major role in boosting the amount of scrutiny that work by authors is exposed to. Because readers can respond to content with comments or even through clapping, the algorithms utilized by Medium analyze the discussion and then display the contents for greater audiences. The result of this on Medium network allows writers to get exposure to more people than they are currently exposed to as well as attracts readers who are enthralled in the field they are covering.

Benefiting from your company's success: Medium's Partner Program

Medium is an original method of earning money. The Medium Partner Program can also be called Medium Partner. Medium Partner Program. Authors may enroll in the program and earn to the amount of attention that their works receives. This also includes praises (Medium's equivalent to likes) in addition to the time they devote to reading. (While it is possible to earn cash through Medium, it's much more likely that the amount you earn is less certain in comparison to Substack's subscription-based service.)

Substack vs. Medium - Medium Partner Program

The Medium Partner Program assists writers with writing engaging and stimulating content that is well-liked by readers. By identifying content using the comments of users and their engagement, Medium promotes the development of content with quality that stimulates and gets readers interested. Medium lets you earn money from an entirely free and open publishing platform.

Conclusion: Medium vs Substack

Substack and Medium offer different things to cater to different creators -- the best way to choose the platform for you is to consider what you want to get out of your newsletter/publishing platform. Substack permits independent writers to earn money through their work in addition to allowing publishing content that is shared by members of the group of users. Offers an easy but particular publishing capabilities. But, Medium has a huge number of users, and the tools you need to aid in finding your own unique identity in addition to the feeling of being part of the larger community.

By providing relevant and unique information to your clients and making money through selling your goods it is possible to earn income and also continue to develop your thoughts. Each type of content serves a specific purpose, however it's you to choose which one is the best for you as well as your customers. Write with passion!

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