The Easy Affiliate and Member plugin is now available Join the Growing power of Referral Marketing WordPress Membership Plugin for Membership Websites

Mar 7, 2024

Easy Affiliate and Member: Connect to the Growing Power of Referral Marketing

Title Image  Member and Easy Affiliate Program

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It's never been more straightforward to establish and operate an affiliate program on your Member site with Easy Affiliate. We give you the lowdown as well as tips for making the most out of this powerful increase in sales.

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It's hard to overstate the extent to which affiliate marketing has a dominant role in the online marketing landscape. In 2022, the affiliate marketing industry was estimated at more than $20 billion, a figure that's expected to almost double by 2030.

It's especially remarkable considering that most affiliate marketers get paid commissions after they've made a sale. We're talking about billions of dollars in revenues and salesgenerated by this one marketing method.

If you're a business that hasn't been able to tap into affiliate marketing or you're planning to switch away from costly affiliate platforms for a more robust membership site, this latest integration will be a great benefit to both your company and pocket.

Presenting Easy AffiliateAll-in-one Affiliate program plug-in for WordPress which is now integrated with Member.

Read on for a guided overview of the primary functions of this plug-in, along with tips on how to leverage its profit-pumping potential for your business.

Affiliate Marketing 101

To begin, in the event that you're new to affiliate marketing, here's an easy introduction to get you up to level:

Affiliate marketing is a widely used strategy where individuals are rewarded for promoting a business's products or products or. Essentially, when a sale happens through a unique affiliate link an affiliate marketer (or simply affiliate) gets a percentage from the selling.

This method of marketing offers number of benefits for membership and eCommerce sites:

  • With affiliate marketing, you pay only once a sale has been made. It is an extremely low-risk cost-effective way to expand your member base without having cost-of-acquisition that comes with traditional advertising methods.
  • Performance-based design is also a reason why it's easy to scale and suitable for membership sites at any stage of their development. As your subscriber base grows quickly, you will not have to deal with a corresponding increase in marketing effort or expense.
  • Affiliates, specifically those that are well-aligned with your site's focus, can directly reach certain, specific groups. Run a soccer club fanzine or an organic cooking class? Affiliates with niches can be best ideal source of spreading information about your business. With them as your partners marketing, your efforts are extremely specific, attracting members that are more likely to be engaged with your site and the community.
  • In contrast to one-time ads, affiliate marketing provides an ongoing marketing campaign for your site's membership. This continuous exposure helps keep your site in the forefront and also attracts more members in the course of time.

You've been educating yourself on affiliate marketing, and the benefits to benefit your business is obvious, it's time to look at what Easy Affiliate integration will mean for your site's membership.

What exactly is Easy Affiliate?

Easy Affiliate Hompage

Easy Affiliate permits you to manage a a fully self-hosted affiliate marketing program straight through your WordPress dashboard.

If you run a self-hosted affiliate program, you have greater control over the Affiliate application procedure and are in complete control of the payouts and commissions, and get rid of the transaction fee paid by third-party platforms.

And as the name suggests that it will make the entire setup and managing your program a breeze - no special knowledge required, virtually anyonecan create this program to benefit their company.

It's because Easy Affiliate is filled with all the tools and tools you'll require to make your program successful and each one is designed to make it easy to set up and operate.

Then let the walkthrough of major features get underway!

Simple Affiliate Features and Tips For Your Success

Simply connect to your E-commerce Plug-ins

With the press of one button, Easy Affiliate can detect and connect with key ecommerce platforms including yours truly ( Member), PayPal and WooCommerce.

Integrations can be enabled via Easy Affiliate's setup wizard or via Easy Affiliate > Settings > eCommerce tab.

Screenshot of the ecommerce settings in Easy Affiliate highlighting the  Member Integration

       It really is simpleto join your affiliate program with the products and services you market on your website.

Screen for High-Quality Excellent Affiliates

Open your affiliate program up for everyone could be a good idea, but in affiliate marketing, quantity doesn't always equal high-quality.

Studies show the fact that less than 1% of affiliates contribute to 90 percentage of all sales and conversions. This underscores how important it is to focus on attracting and working with those top performers.

Simply accepting all applicants can waste time and money of building lasting partnerships with top-quality affiliates. You might find yourself overwhelmed with queries and support concerns from a lot of affiliates, instead of paying attention to the people who drive the results.

To ensure a better ROI It is recommended to take the time to manually examine and approve new affiliates to ensure their target market is compatible with the market you want to target.

Easy Affiliate streamlines this process by integrating an application into the approval system. This is how you can set it up:

Navigate to Easy Affiliate > Settings > Affiliates tab, choose"Application" for the registration type.

Screenshot of the Easy Affiliate Application Process

In this section, you may opt to mail emails to applicants informing them of the fact that their application was received and approved.

When you've picked the kind and Easy Affiliate will automatically design a registration page. The prospective affiliates you select will need to fill out an application form, and wait for your approval before they are able to start promoting your products.

The form requests essential information, including:

  • First name
  • Name of last name
  • Email
  • They plan to make use of websites for promotion
  • Their promotional strategy
  • Social media profiles/links

The detailed data allows you to examine each applicant's suitability to your company. By requiring applicants to specify their websites for promotional purposes, this allow Easy Affiliate to monitor and identify fraudulent actions by flagging unauthorized site promotions and more details on that later.

Boost Conversions with Compelling campaigns

For the greatest benefits of an affiliate programme, you must get your affiliates to be involved in all of your advertising campaigns

If you've just launched a newly launched product or feature or a sale to promote This is a great occasion for affiliates to promote your brand.

Affiliates are always looking for new content ideas and reasons to engage with their customers. Engage them in the latest promotions and feature launches which will result in an symbiotic boost in engagement.

As affiliate program host, you can amplify their impact and encourage your affiliates to participate in more by equipping them with the tools to ensure that each campaign is unbeatable.

Easy Affiliate simplifies it to develop unique links for particular page landings.

Say you have the landing page you need to provide everything you need to know about your newly released feature. When you share a unique link for the landing page you can guide your affiliates' audience straight into the center of the action, bypassing the main page for a more strategically crafted plunge into your funnel of sales.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate Add New Creative feature

Easy Affiliate facilitates the distribution of banners and images for campaigns.

Give your affiliates eye-catching brand-name content that's simply easy to use, it increases the visibility of your campaign. It's a win-win: effortless material for them as well as increased exposure to your brand. Transform your affiliate program into a powerful factor that pushes your business forward one campaign at one at a moment.

Track Affiliate Performance in Google Analytics

Not only does Easy Affiliate features it's own real-time reports, tracking sales and clicks but unlike many affiliate plugins Easy Affiliate also makes it super easy to track other major KPIs in Google Analytics.

That's thanks to its UTM Affiliate Link Tracking feature.

UTM Affiliate Tracking EA

Simply by enabling this option, Easy Affiliate will automatically incorporate UTM parameters to affiliate links, so that you can get in-depth insights into things like...

  • Top performing affiliates
  • Highest converting campaigns
  • Which websites your affiliates are publishing on?
  • What type of content works optimally?

...right right now in Google Analytics.

This will allow you to improve your affiliate program as well as strategy to earn maximal profits.

Encourage Marketers to sell more with Special Commission Rates

Incentivize affiliates to pull all the stops for you affiliate program, by rewarding the those who excel with a special commission rates.

With the software's Custom Rules add-on, you can create custom commission rates for affiliates to reward top performers and certain behaviors. For example, you can create a higher commission rate for affiliates who achieve sales that exceed a particular amount, or offer you a discount on the latest item to promote your product's launch. All is possible by creating Custom Rules.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate's custom rules setting for special commission rates
Customize your affiliate rate that are based on the amount of sales with Easy Affiliates Add Custom Rules to

Protect Profits with Fraud Prevention

Through Easy Affiliate's Fraud Prevention add-on, it's easier than ever to identify or block commissions suspected of fraud prior to paying for a penny.

Decide if you wish to permit the flagging or automatic block of commissions from:

  • Referrals from your own - when an affiliate makes a purchase using their own affiliate link.
  • Websites with unapproved referral programs - the site that referred the click is not one of the listed sites in the application of the affiliate.
  • Affiliates who have a questionable conversion rate: Address unusual rate of conversion that is significantly divergent from normal, indicating that there may be a fraudulent strategy.
Screeshot of Easy Affiliate fraud settings

This method of protection protects your earnings and upholds the credibility of your affiliate program, creating a solid foundation of trust and reliability.

Pay out rewards to affiliates fast and easy With One-Click Payouts

With the One-Click Payout feature of Easy Affiliate the process of sending out rewards is just simple as it sounds and makes the pay out process easy and fast.

Instant payouts Just one click is enough to pay your affiliates, eliminating any delays or complications.

Boost affiliate morale Fast cash payouts make affiliates more motivated, happy, and more engaged with your brand.

Streamline the operationsForget about the hassle of manually processing payments. One-click Payouts streamline your workflow and frees up your time to be focused on strategy and growth.

Screenshot showing Easy Affiliate one-click payout.

Once your affiliate has reached the payout threshold (which you are able to easily alter by changing your preferences) You're only one click away from paying the profits. Easy Affiliate is compatible with PayPal's 1-Click Payouts providing a quick and secure method to pay your affiliates.

How to Integrate Member With Easy Affiliate

Member now integrates natively with Easy Affiliate - meaning that they're created for each other, and connecting to each other is a breeze.

Easy Affiliate currently supports the following Member payment provider integrations

  • PayPal Legacy,
  • Stripe,

Here's how you set up Easy Affiliate set up and integrated with Member:

  • Buy an Easy Affiliate license.
  • Go to the Easy Affiliate Account Downloads page to download the plug-in .zip file to your PC.
  • Log in on your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Go to Plugins and then Add New Plugin. Upload Plugin
  • Select Browse and select the .zip file, and then select Install Now. Install Now.
  • Once download is complete Once download has been completed, press the button to activate.
  • Now from your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Member > Setup > Integrations Other Services and click on the Easy Affiliateicon.
Screenshot of  Member integrations with Easy Affiliate selected
  • You should see Easy Affiliate within the right-hand corner on your dashboard. Click on it and then settings.
  • Head over to the tab for eCommerce. tab.
  • membershould be detected automatically - switch the toggle to on.
  • Click on "Update Options"

And you're done! This is as easy as that.

Next goal is to get the news regarding your affiliate programme, and begin accepting applications.

In no time it will be watching your revenue increase and the membership website grow.


With Easy Affiliate and Member, you have all you need to set up an efficient affiliate program to your membership site.

Easy Affiliate offers all the tools you'll need to build and manage a seamless, streamlined affiliate program that will magnify the reach of your program and attract active members to your community.

Make sure to keep your affiliates motivated by providing clear communications, prompt payouts, and by giving them the best practices to promote. Utilize the insights gained of Easy Affiliate and Google Analytics to improve your strategies and concentrate your energy towards making your affiliates authentic brand ambassadors.

The success of your site is their success. Together, you can achieve remarkable increase in membership for your website.

Everything starts with single integration!

Got any questions or want to share some of your own experiences in affiliate marketing? Let us know via the comment section below.

Don't forget to join our pages through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn to get more advice and the best ways to expand your membership-based business.

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