The filmmaker Mayumi Yoshida is forging her own path in the world of personal storytelling.

Jul 15, 2023

Mayumi Yoshida is today, in the limelight for her films, however after hearing her story of her journey, she discovered her own filmmaking almost by chance. "I originally started acting as an actor" declares Mayumi. "There weren't many chances to be a part of roles as well as a lack of roles that I really, believed in and cherished from the bottom of me. They gave me the feeling of 'Oh this is me.'" Therefore, when the opportunity came along to raise money to make a short movie, Mayumi was the first to take on the challenge of participate in the movie, and not only an actor, but as the director of the film, which is a story about her personal life.

"That has led to an array of film festivals," Mayumi says. Mayumi. "It caused me to feel"Oh there's so much more that I could be doing as a storyteller, and also an artist instead of simply an actor." Since the time, Mayumi has continued to develop her film skills including collaborating with musician Amanda Sum on artful music videos that defy expectations and challenge the limits of the format.

"The best advice I've gotten from any other person than me was when they advised me to take responsibility for my abilities," says Mayumi. It's about having the confidence to stand up for what she believes in even amid self doubt. "Don't be afraid of saying"no" to anybody outside of yourself," she adds. "You are thinking"But, this is not working yet. Oh, but I won't get in. There's no way for me to get in.' No one has informed you of this to date. You've already informed them. Therefore, let it go. Do the shot but you won't be able to. The majority of the time the shot is a success. out."

I had the opportunity to speak with Mayumi prior to the releasing of her film staff picked "Different Than before" that was awarded the Jury Award for Best Music video at 2023's SXSW festival. Take a look at the highlights from our discussion in the below video and then go through the whole interview below in this article.

 What are the topics you see yourself re-visiting repeatedly within your writing?

Mayumi Mayumi: My main themes I explore in my film are those of seeking identity and often familial drama. My films largely come from intimate environments. Thus, the dynamic between families and even those stuck in the middle of intergenerational, cultural and intergenerational relationships will definitely appeal to me.

What are your motives?

Mayumi Mayumi best film is the fact that each one remain in existence for the rest of time. The story you tell that film is now the vessel, however, it'll remain in existence for the rest of time. It's what characters are feeling even though you're not in their proximity. There are a lot of movies before I was born and have a profound impact on my personal life. If I was the medium to tell stories that would endure forever, this was my aim I set after I created films that I adored. I began to think, "Ooh, there's more to this. This is more than just sharing what I am passionate about."

We'd love to hear the specifics regarding your Staff Pick experience.

Mayumi Mayumi This event was truly exciting. I believe this was a huge accomplishment for everyone involved as the film was an appeal to the community and everyone desired that it would be successful not just because each involved contributed a significant amount of effort to make this film, but also because the message is needed right today, and. It was released in Asian Heritage Month, so it was important that a lot of people viewed the film and watched the movie. Staff, too, played their part in boosting the popularity of the film. It was truly gratifying to me.

I had been familiar with Staff Picks, and I thought "Oh this is the most fascinating bunch of individuals." I was feeling that "Oh where do I fit in? Am I worthy?" And I'm thinking that it's just amazing people who get together. I'm really happy to be part of this group.

What's next?

Mayumi the next thing I'll need to do is my first film based off my first short film, AKASHI. This has been a long and difficult journey and I'm extremely happy about getting at a point to make this. It's exciting to present this film at some festivals like these and to share it with other people, later on.

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