The Future is Product-led Growth Here's What You Need to Be aware of

Aug 6, 2023
Learn more about product led growth and how it will shape the future


What does Slack, Zoom, and HubSpot each have in common? All three are software applications, so why aren't they?

This is true, but that's not all. The three firms are leading in the most advanced technologies for product-driven growth in technology for growing marketing.

The companies that are successful will grow faster and at greater efficiency by taking advantage of the customer experience and quality integrated in their products and services in order to bring about an explosion of demand across the globe.

In the past, we believed that these businesses were becoming "viral." However, the question is why did they experience the exponential growth? What were they able to do to alter the course of the viral phenomena and generate a huge amount of consumer interest?

This is the solution to the model of product-led development or PLGan totally new approach to growth within software.

In this article we'll teach the fundamentals you need to be aware of the process of growing through products and the meaning behind it and the importance of the definition and the most effective way to use the concept. Plus, you'll see some examples of businesses that are flourishing after adopting a strategy for growth dependent on product.

What Is Product-Led Growth (PLG)?

The growth model is created by connecting various teams, ranging from product development to sales and marketing along with support desks, customer service and help desks all linked to the product in order to ensure long-term and sustainable expansion.

An Introduction Brief to the History of Growth caused by products

Evolution of Product-Led Growth.
Product-Led Growth evolution

1. Software In-Place (1980s/1990s)

Flashbacks to the 80s. What were the software options at the time? The truth is that software wasn't readily accessible since the internet was still just beginning its development. It was instead a program that could be installed on a physical device.

The mammoth-like machine had to be built on-site for hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In order to sell these products Six- and seven-figure companies are dependent upon the growth of sales. Field sales reps would endeavor to convince clients by having spent a lot of time talking to prospective buyers in restaurants as well as playing golf on courses.

One of the primary aspects that buyers needed to be concerned about was if the software would be compatible alongside the current IT infrastructure.

2. Cloud Software (2000s/2010s)

Software is now compatible with nearly all business settings. So, teams of outbound sales were no longer required to attend meetings with high-tech management executives any longer. They could reach out to executives and discuss KPIs and ROI to determine which software would help them in reaching their goals.

3. PLG Software (2020s)

At the beginning of 2020, the growth based on the products of others began to become the dominant. Within the last couple of months, more people have begun adopting workflows that are fully automated and integrated.

The growth driven by software was due to the possibility of user-friendly experience. Nowadays, software is readily accessible and increasing demands for marketing, as well as sales driven growth was diminishing, and the demand to ensure the efficiency of software increased.

Exemples for PLG Companies

To help you understand more about the ways PLG companies succeed, have an analysis of some of the most popular PLG-owned companies around the globe:


Slack took advantage of the network effect to grow exponentially.

Slack could tap into the power of sharing when the early adopters started encouraging their friends to join. Slack can increase the price for a one-year subscription, allowing users to save their complete message history. This is vital for large businesses.


Dropbox uses a referral program to encourage more potential customers to sign up.

This meant that whenever an Dropbox user shared a folder, an user could sign up to become a member of the service without having to sign to sign up. However, a lot people chose to sign up based on the benefits of this platform.

The Dropbox referral program lets users to receive additional storage space each time they refer a user. It also lets users who are brand new to the service try the service for the first time, thereby helping advance the PLG strategy further.


Notion offers free templates and plenty of documentation so users can learn all of its tools.

One of the major motives behind using PLG is making it simple for users to make use of the service. Notion simplifies the process for those who are brand new to the service to start with free templates available on Notion's platform. There are also webinars as well as instructions to assist users with understanding the many features of Notion.


HubSpot used segmentation tactics to invest its resources into leads.

HubSpot is another company that's a product-driven one which figured out a strategy to provide the services of sales personnel and a customers success teams to those who are using freemium. Additionally, the assistance they provide at the beginning enhanced the experience to users, and provided ample information to be provided early on, which led to registrations.

Utilizing segmentation strategies, teams can put their cash (primarily the team members) in suitable leads. With the help of investing a significant portion of their money in resources and support, they can improve the product to increase their growth.

How do I best to compare PLG Compare with different Growth Models?

Sales-Led Growth

The growth that is driven by sales can be simple. Most companies' growth efforts are driven by sales staff. All the activities of the company support the sales department. Minor and major decisions made throughout the company are analyzed by asking "Does this aid salespeople to convert more customers?"

What do you think? 53% of buyers prefer to make purchases without having to interact with the sales department!

Marketing-Led Growth

While the marketing and sales departments are still performing their duties in negotiating contracts, the marketing department is driving the growth of sales and marketing by employing a range of marketing strategies and conducting research on the needs of customers.

In industries where software as well as software are alike and the marketing team typically is the team that will make a difference to the companies that will earn more money.

Product-led Growth

In both scenarios the buyer needs to believe in what the quality of the product they're thinking of purchasing. However, the growth due to product is focussed on the importance of the item and let the worth of the product be the main focus.

Instead of investing a large amount in marketing or sales teams Companies that are led by product focus on creating products. This doesn't mean that sales or marketing teams won't be active.

Their primary goal is to get potential clients to be the first into trying their product with the freemium model. In order to bring potential customers into the hands of customers The product is designed for users to test its worth firsthand, to prove the true value of it as well as persuade them to keep using it and many choosing to buy a subscription.

What's the importance of PLG?

A need to grow powered by product is an essential necessity for any software business today. The keys to business aren't at the disposal of businesses today. Instead, they're in the hands of customers. Making sales difficult and employing strategies to boost sales isn't enough to cause a person feel enticed to enter the age of digital to become a genuine customer.

Final decision rests with consumers, therefore the most loved item is the winner.

Here are a few reasons to consider why PLG is an essential way for SaaS as well as software firms that are in use today:

1. Better Customer Experience

If you adopt PLG, you'll refine your product and improve its efficiency compared to the competition. The main goal of this process is to concentrate on the clients' satisfaction. This means the product was developed with the customers' brain.

The emphasis isn't just on the features. It's how the features interact with one another and users in order to provide an enjoyable user. In the majority of cases it's a rise in time between your first contact with prospective customers to the time they begin making use of your service.

     2. Greater Acquisition

If you're focused on product's growth, that could translate into improving the user experience. In the end, what happens? More customers will be attracted to your business.

PLG indicates that your purchase will be part of the product via registrations and trial trials for free. Lower barriers to entry signifies that you'll earn profits from marketing and sales initiatives which can be used to encourage more purchases through your product's experience.

     3. Further Development

     4. Greater Company Valuation

One of the major reason why PLG must be implemented into your company is because of its potential value to your organization. Growth companies that focus on product can be more successful. The argument isn't just an idea that's thrown around. The science that supports it is proven.

Based on OpenView Partners, product-led businesses are 30% higher in value than businesses that do not have a focus on product.

Essential Product-Led Growth Principles

Now that you know the fundamentals behind PLG and the reasons it's crucial for businesses to implement this approach today, we'll take the time to look over some of the most crucial PLG growth strategies.

1. Begin with the end user

The principle that drives PLG is that you begin by paying attention to your customers. All of your activities are focused on your customer. By focusing on delivering good service and quality goods to customers as well as creating product innovations, it is possible to create products that are beneficial to the consumer.

2. Create Products That Live Where Your Customers Live.

It's not enough just making an excellent product. It is essential to design your product within the exact location where your target audience is. That means you must strive to ensure that the software is usable and accessible to the places where that your target audience is already. It is important to permit your application to be integrated with the locations in which your intended audience lives and operates. If the software is simple to connect with the user's workflow and workflow The more likely it is that they'll utilize the program.

3. Build Open Source

Your product should be controlled by APIs. Make your software open-source in order for it to be easy to modify, access and integrate into workflows. Your product will be beneficial to many more people.

4. Design to be Flexible

Flexibility is an essential feature of PLG. Your product must be adaptable to the needs of your customer. Provide them with the tools and features that they'll require to be able to conform according to their needs in order in order to give them the most benefits.

5. Establish a Community, and then build the Product

The product you create isn't complete without a community online. While you're developing your product, develop your community. There is no need to join an existing community to.

The idea must be incorporated in the design of the product. It must be integrated into it. The software you create should also be built into the existing community.

This can increase the brand's credibility and make superfans, who can increase sales by promoting the brand.

PLG, community strategies, and examples.
PLG and community strategy, and examples ( Source: OpenView) for more information.

6. The Offer Value has to be determined prior the time of requesting the payment

It is among the main elements of PLG. It's essential to give quality upfront prior to asking the customers to make a deposit. By offering your product with a freemium model that you're putting yourself at risk that consumers won't be compelled to.

This means there's less chances for customers to be exposed to risk, which decreases the pressure, and makes them more inclined to try the product. By reducing the barriers to testing your product, your clients will more likely explore your product. This could lead to higher user conversions.

Product-Led Growth Metrics

Once you know the reason PLG is crucial and what essential principles to be based on Now it's time to consider how you will decide if you're heading going in the right direction or not.

Below is a list of most well-known products-driven performance indicators which you could use to ensure that you're moving forward.

1. TTV is an abbreviation of Time To Value (TTV)

It is the time that the new customer takes to reach the initial activation point. When it comes to signing up to your service, it's not necessarily the case. TTV occasion.

The likelihood is that this is the moment when additional actions take place, including the transfer of customer information customers, or integrating various instruments, inviting buddies and completing the onboarding process.

The aim of this measure is to decrease it to the lowest amount that is possible. The closer to zero, the greater. The majority of SaaS applications have having a lengthy TTV. This process can be speeded through enhancing customer experience during onboarding in order in order to increase activation.

2. Product-Qualified Leads

While marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) are a standard type of lead considered by your marketing department Product-qualified leads are those who have had the opportunity to experience the value of your product prior to. They are usually an indication that the users have already an unpaid trial or freemium accounts.

The meaning of PQL could differ according to the goals of your business and the goals it has. This is usually the most warm type of lead you can offer to sales personnel.

3. Achieved Adoption Rate for The Feature

Another metric you ought to be thinking about tracking using an PLG strategy is the amount of acceptance for the feature. The rate of feature adoption is typically tracked by product teams, one important measure to monitor when using PLG is the rate of feature adoption.

This figure, measured as an amount, will tell you how many people have used each feature in your app. What you will gather from these data is will help you develop your application and help drive user growth.

In this case, for instance, you could discover a fresh function that you've introduced at a high level of utilization, and it will cause your use of the program to increase.

4. Profits from Expansion

This is a crucial measure you can utilize to monitor your progress in sales. PLG is determined to offer the clients a price upfront. The value doesn't end at the end of the road.

It is the goal to offer enough value that a portion of the users that are on a free plan eventually upgrade to a paid-for plan. Additionally, you can earn revenue through additional enhancements, upgrades or add-ons. Additionally, you can earn money via cross-selling.

Expansion revenue refers to the amount of the revenue generated by clients who have already signed a contract with us.

Are you confident enough to tell the appropriateness of the PLG strategy right to your Company?

What are you aware of what is a successful method for your business?

Prior to beginning this process, it's important to think about what kind of business would find product-led growth appealing.

If you own a SaaS company, be sure to take time to go through three different areas, including market, resources and availability.

1. Markets

First thing to be aware of is the view from the outside of your industry and of competitors.

Ask yourself:

  • Do you believe there's a good fit between the market and your product?
  • Are there any signs of a boom in the market?
  • Are there consumers that are unserved?
  • My competition My rivals: What are their names?
  • What can they offer regarding strengths and weak points?
  • How much does it cost to reach out to a potential customer?

2. Resources

If you feel there's an opportunity in your market for your product to become successful by using PLG, consider looking into possible sources. The key is to create the appropriate mindset and the culture for this working with the guidance of product development.

Do you ask yourself:

  • Am I blessed with the power to accomplish whatever I would like?
  • What can I do to convince my team members to adopt this method?
  • Are I willing to invest in the time, energy and funds to track the PLG's data?
  • What evidence do I require to prove my company's decision to invest money in these resources?
  • What will I give up for the sake of investing in PLG?
  • Do I have enough market information to apply PLG?

3. Product Ready

If you've determined that your company is in good shape and that you have the funds to make it happen, now is the perfect opportunity to determine the age of the product.

One question that you could pose to you is:

  • Does the product I'm using have a natural interface?
  • Does it address the concerns of the viewers?
  • Is it logical to use?
  • Are there the same features as other brands?
  • Are you aware of the difference between it and the market?
  • Does the item have credibility?
  • Can it be scaled to meet the increasing demand?
  • Does my target audience understand the product's worth in the shortest amount of time all by themselves?
  • What differentiates us from the competition?

Product-Led Growth FAQ

Do you have any concerns about the effects of growth driven by product? Here are answers to some of the more common questions:

What challenges can we expect to face when Using the Product-Led Growth model?

Two major issues which arise in PLG One is bringing your whole team to adopt a growth strategy that is centered on the product, rather than. the marketing and sales teams. The other issue is getting an understanding of the information. It's challenging to know the way your PLG initiatives are executing this is the reason it's crucial to rely upon PLG metrics like time-to-value, as well as leads that offer an evaluation of the quality of the product. feature adoption rate.

Consumer-Led Growth and Product-Led the different?

Success of organizations that are led by users depend on their understanding in providing the highest quality customer experience. The growth driven by product concentrates on the user experience for the purpose of generating more revenue. These two models don't compete. They are meant to be utilized in combination. It is essential to design a great product and ask for their feedback using this information to make improvements to the product.

What is the definition of a culture which is influenced by the products?

A corporate culture focused on product features is one that focuses on its features as well as its value to the end user. Each department thinks about ways its actions can improve the product in order to make it the most efficient product possible.


If you're considering starting with implementing the growth strategy based upon your products, you need to begin paying attention to your customers. Do a deep dive into your current users. Learn how they interact on your website, and learn the things they like and dislike so that you can make your website more user-friendly. experience.

Jeremy Holcombe

Content and Marketing Editor WordPress Web Developer, also Content creator. Alongside all of WordPress I love golf, beaches and films. Also, I have height problems ;).

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