The Landing Pages for Courses The Things You Must Do to Get Better Conversions

Apr 13, 2024

Online courses are big business. Its ease of use and access to online learning has led to many individuals are turning to it as a way to bolster their skills. Whether it's a company training program or someone who is looking to improve their skill, these courses are becoming extremely popular.

Whatever the reason, and whatever the course page is for, the course landing pages need to be in good shape. Let's look at what an effective landing page ought to be doing, and the best ways to include in yours to get the best impact. Okay, let's begin learning.

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What does an e-commerce landing page accomplish?

The landing pages for courses are a little like window displays for shops. What exactly does a storefront need to contain. Firstly, it has to be attractive visually. Pleasing color combinations and thoughtful placing so that items can be arranged in a harmonious manner is a significant impact on the eye of the client.

The third is a feeling of storytelling, providing usage context for the products shown, or the use of teasers to give hints about the beauty of what's inside. All these can work wonders.

So that's shop windows. However, there are the landing pages too. Their job is basically similar. A casual web user clicking in is much more likely to get their interest captivated by a landing page employing techniques similar to the ones above.

One major distinction exists in brick-and-mortar customers who visit a store and those who use the internet.

How will the customer access your website at all Perhaps because of your SEO strategy to draw them in. Maybe you even went through the trouble of utilizing an appealing domain extension (like purchasing the .ai domain to create Artificial Intelligence course landing pages).

So, unlike the passer-by in the street, your site visitor may already be inclined to learn more about the services you have to offer. Once they've been within the area, your landing pages have one overall job: to get those already intrigued people to go on the next stage.

For page landing pages for courses, the next step is to sign up for an online course. So, the landing page must guide the customer towards this action. If we break down the three strategies we've been talking about into a few, but essential aspects, we can do this.

Excellent headline

It is essential to have a hero segment and headlines that have drama, as well as providing enough detail to provide a distilled idea about what you are selling. It also needs to use language that will resonate with the target market (this aspect must be maintained throughout the entire design process: it is essential to design a landing page which will chime with your chosen customer).

Here's an excellent illustration.

Screenshot from

It's big, it's bold, and it's descriptive. It emphasizes the word enthusiasm, which is sure to influence those that visit the site when they ought to be doing their boring work and contemplating other and more rewarding ways of making a living.

This headline works since it focuses on the end result. It's like a wormhole taking you from one part of an environment where everything is somewhat less than exciting and to another that is where excitement and thrills can be expected.

How can we achieve this? This is where the subtitle is in.

Subtitling helpful

So, the headline's focussed on the effects. The next step is to provide information that provides more an explanation of the class you're offering. In the example above it reads, "It's an easy step-by-step guide for finding the work that you enjoy, 100% guaranteed'. It doesn't have to have masses of detail. Just flesh out the headline just enough so that the user is in no doubt about what the site's content is.

Here's another example that works since it provides the user with an idea of what the business of the site is, without going into excessive detail. (Although, in truth, the sentence should probably be shorter. )

Screenshot from

In addition, this type of subtitling is crucial and not only for landing pages. This is also the reason why the product page work. There must be a bridge between the headline to the meat of the product text, no matter what it sells, and from a manual for predictions to the predictive dialer. This is what subtitling does.

A detailed description

The visitor may be eager to find out more. That's where you dive deep regarding what your course is all about. We're talking about a 'level of detail'. The amount of detail you require is determined in a large amount by the demographic you are targeting.

If you're looking to talk with professionals seeking quick answers to whatever difficulty they might face, you must be prompt in describing the information you provide. Use bullet points and short sentences to convey precisely what you're offering with no effort on anyone's time.

For those who is likely to be able to find a bit more time for reading, then you can get a little more precise. Even with the most leisure-rich demographic, don't go too detail-heavy It's easy to turn off people through overwhelming them with details. Be aware that you may deposit the fine print in subsequent pages. The landing page is all about the broad strokes.

As an example, suppose you've created a fantastic online  cooking for Beginners' course. In the description of your course, you'll definitely want to mention how your course offers fantastic instructional tips and tutorials, but it's also important to emphasize what the students can gain from it, such as making 7 simple, inexpensive recipes and the basics of ways to prepare food and store it.

This is a great way of not just showing what a instructor is skilled at, but also detailing the subjects that the course will cover. This is like demonstrating the benefits of a product without going into excessive detail about construction and provenance, etc.

Design elements

So far, we've been mostly concentrating on the text. Equally important is the look and feel of the site. Similar to the design components of the shop window There must be something aesthetic to the page to have optimal impact. Let's look at this in more detail.


Clarity and distinction are the watchwords for this. A font may have striking impact, but it is difficult to read.

Think carefully about the image you're trying to convey. Is it sober authority? The simple typeface like Helvetica or similar will be the area you might want to look at. If the issue is financial, for instance, such as a course to boost the skills of your lead generation for insurance and you'll want the most reliable font free any gaudy embellishments.

In contrast in the event that your class has more to do with art and craft, an alphabet that resembles needlepoint might be a good selection.

It is not a bad idea to consider selecting a expression or word in a different font for extra impact.

Screenshot from

This is a great splash of handwriting style that is bold red, which is the corporate color, which has resonances within the logo, CTA boxes and Ms. Garst's glasses and her top. You may be thinking that this is a finance site, so shouldn't it be all about the weighty font?

Very well identified. The site may be a bit of an exception as the developer is thinking about the people that might be interested in money-making online but who don't necessarily belong in the top world of online gaming. These people are the ones for whom fun and easy to get around are the primary characteristics of the course to promote. This underscores the importance of knowing and speaking to your demographic when you are creating your landing page.


Already we've discussed the impact a bold use of red can have. It is evident that color plays a huge role for catching an eyes and making a statement. There are all manner of characteristics which each color is intended to symbolize in marketing however, we're not able to cover all of it on this page.

Suffice to say that color may be powerful, but do not overdo it. Color is all about contextualization. This red will not appear as good against a brown background, for instance. That's why we're going to talk about another aspect. Always include enough white space. The canvas is what helps to make the image stand out.


Image from

However (and this is true throughout the design of landing pages), never sacrifice quality for cuteness. If you've come up with an expression which makes you want to award yourself a rosette to show off your wit, but others struggle to comprehend, then you'd be better off keeping it in your own journal. It doesn't matter the subject matter your webpage covers such as mastering macrame or modernizing the mainframe.

Lift-off of the landing page

The realm of website design truly is a vast space to think over, and landing pages are crucial that they occupy a large area. I hope we've given you enough of an idea to get started on creating your landing pages for courses the best they can be.

If you're not sure, keep your eyes on the two C's of credibility: and clarity. Your page has to have an impact, but it should also be clear. If you blend both of these and your landing pages for courses will be a hit.

  Make your course's site more attractive with ! Find out more about it here.