The new feature on Stripe can increase conversions by 77% (+ videos)

Jul 21, 2022

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Link from Stripe is now available and integrates the current Stripe Elements integration. There's no additional charges or costs.

If you're a creator within the U.S., and you're operating in USdollars You've been granted an account with Link.

This feature is fantastic due to a myriad of reasons. One of them is compelling:

Link users buy 4 times more frequently than those who do not use Link.

In this blog we'll discuss some more fascinating statistics. In addition, we'll discuss what the advantages of Link By Stripe is. We'll demonstrate the way it works as well as help you get to workwith Link to your site.

It's time to get started!

Watch >> increase sales and conversions on your site with stripe's link

Link is a method of payment which is accessible through the Integration with Stripe Elements Integration.

It allows your customers and customers a fast, secure quick and easy method for processing 1-click payments through a myriad of websites.

If your site is other Link-enabled website it is the first time a customer checks out via Link it saves the information in case of future 1-click payment.

Link is a certified PCI service provider level one so the data of your customers are extremely safe.

Link lets users complete completely safe one-click online payments through a simple checkout process only one time.

Below is the description of the way this easy procedure works...

Step 1. The user can check out, and then saves information about their purchase

Your client is directed to an online store that is supported through Link (yours or another one). When they've finished their purchase, they can save their details for payment and also their delivery address.

Step 2. One-click transactions are made

In the event of future purchases Link automates the filling of customer's data on payment details so that they are able to make a purchase with just one mouse click.

 Step 3: The customer is able to complete mobile verification by moving forward

The customer has been ready. If they select a Link to access a brand new device and website will be provided with a unique code. The code is used to confirm their identity as well as protect their personal information.

Studies show the fact that the abandonment of carts is an important cost problem.

In one instance, a research from the Baymard Institute showed that almost 70% of people abandon shopping carts. The main cause of cart abandonment is the frictionin the purchasing procedure.

This same study showed that nearly one-in-five shoppers abandoning their carts due to a check-out process they said was "too lengthy and complex".

And, not only that, Baymard found that improving the checkout "flow and appearance" will save businesses approximately $260 billion in order cancellations.

The best way to generate these sales is by creating an quick and simple buyer's journey.

With its 6-second check-out process, it's exactly how Link by Stripe performs.

Improvements to checkout flow and layout

Link helps buyers make their journey up to 9 times more efficient. Research shows that Link customers experience a superior Link customers' experience is much better than Link users make a purchase at a rate 4 times greaterthan those who are not Link customers.

Since its launch, companies who use Link are seeing an increase in conversions of about 7percent. It's an incredible, code-freeway for small-scale businesses to build an entire payment site and share it with their customers.

Do you wish to setup it up? It's easy!

Check out the video below on how to provide a STRIPE Link on your Website (TUTORIAL VIDEO)

If you're creator and you've been granted access to the Stripe Integration, it's fast and simple to create a Link. Follow these instructions.

Set up

Visit then the Then, go to the Dashboard and select settings Pay methods. Select the .com platform from the dropdown menu.

Scroll until you locate the Link method of payment. Click it to find the option then press the button that will turn on this button.

Once you have enabled it, make sure to enable Link in your settings via the > Options > Pay tab.

Verify the settings of your Stripe Gateway's setting (see photo below) Check that Stripe Elements is selected.

Scroll down and then check the box that says Allow Link (recommended), and then save your settings.

It's all good! When a customer pays out, they have the option to pay using Link.


The journey of the buyer is an obstacle and can be one of the greatest reason for losing revenue due to abandoning carts. Link by Stripe offers an extremely simple method to decrease friction and improve the number of transactions for your site.

Simply activate Link in the Stripe dashboard. Then, ensure that Link is on within your preferences. Two steps like the one above could get you on the path towards a significant revenue growth.

Take a look at the Knowledge Base along with the link to Stripe FAQs to find out the details, and begin.

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Get started now!

Earn money for your content.

Have you added Stripe Link to your site So far? We'd love to know your thoughts on this. Please let us know your thoughts via the comments.

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