The Product Marketing System is broken. Make it work by using Thematic Product Launches

Aug 22, 2024

Do you and your crew of product managers trying to coordinate the marketing resources, and cope with an endless stream of launches with no date for their launch, and an incessant number of product managers who require a lot of attention from your marketing department each launch? Would you like to think of an alternative?

  • You must ensure that you maintain the highest degree of attention to every version of your program.
  • It is crucial to create an overall narrative that's more engaging than each of the individual parts.
  • It is essential to ensure that the marketing team is well-organized and focused so that they will be capable of doing their best in promoting the latest product.

Are you struggling to stay on top of the changing timelines of your product's launch as well as the constantly shifting "t-shirt" dimensions used to calculate estimates of your initiatives that are changing and fluid dates for the introduction of new products? Or are you worried that your team isn't on the right direction? It could be the ideal opportunity to think about your ideas for the launch. Discover how this might be accomplished through this section of the Growth Stage!


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David Vogelpohl () (00:04)

Hello everyone! Welcoming to the Growth Stage podcast by . I'm your host, David Vogelpohl. I'm part of the digital product community and have put all of my effort in . I'm thrilled to bring the very best that the community has to offer back to you, and our readers via this Growth Stage podcast. This episode, I'm planning to talk about a specific person who's a my favorite. He's one of my coworkers at . He'll discuss why the marketing of products isn't effective and how to rectify it through thematic

The company is currently in the process of launching new products and launches. We'd prefer you to become our very first member at the stage of growth Braden Steel. Braden Steel. Braden, welcome.

Braden (00:39)

Thank you, I appreciate your introduction. I'm excited to discuss with you about the marketing of your currently available products.

David Vogelpohl () (00:44)

Awesome. It's a pleasure to have you as a colleague at Braden. I'm sure that I was nervous initially, since I'm not used to calling your name loudly. Then, I began to wonder whether this could be a random coincidence? Could it be a strange spelling that I didn't know about? Maybe it's been rewritten throughout the years, or is it completely distinct, but I'm glad to know that you're on the right track. It's true, it's. What Braden is likely to discuss are his opinions on shortcomings in the traditional method of marketing products, as well as the ways we deal with periodic launches that have a theme that is related to the product.

Braden (00:58)

Yeah. I appreciate it.

David Vogelpohl () (01:14)

Pay attention to the specifics surrounding the new releases Be sure to disclose all the details about the product which is not just focused on the elements. Marketing is able to be more strategic and rational in order to help you get the most value from the new releases that you create. I went to Spryng where it was hosted by the hands of Wynter, W -Y -N The T-E -R is the only thing which I'm sure about the meaning, along with S P The -G. This is not the official thing to do.

The discussion covered diverse subjects and topics that relate to marketing. Also, products related with marketing were addressed. Everyone complained that we have difficulties coping with each new feature or a new product and trying to obtain the best experience with each. The topic of theme-based launches which launched the brand new product was discussed. A third member endorsed the concept. The idea was accepted by the entire group in the course of a few months back.

Then, I decided that it would be fun to talk about the topic today. That's the idea. Braden Are you feeling the need to get started?

Braden (02:18)

Yeah, let's do it. We're eager to talk about it. it. it. it.

David Vogelpohl () (02:20)

Alright, good deal. I've been looking around for quite a while now, however I'm not quite sure what how to respond this question. The item you purchased originally come from somewhere you purchased online?

Braden (02:28)

It's certainly an interesting concept. I spent a good amount hours thinking over this topic. I was in the senior year of high school. Auctions were at its peak. Also, it was when I got the PlayStation 2 with a bundle of games. The bundle included games specifically made for sports, in addition to various. The discussion also took place regarding whether I should buy the bundle. It was at this point that I purchased the console and was impressed by the gaming experience. I learned many things from the console I also enjoyed hours of enjoyment.

Another possibility was to pay with my personal cash. The first thing I made was a guitar. It was the first thing that I purchased using my own money on the internet. There was another option to buy the device.

David Vogelpohl () (03:06)

All is well. It's nice to know how you can distinguish between the money you earn yourself and the money you get through your parent's pockets. What do you think about the cash coming directly from parents? What method did you use to fund the PSP?

Braden (03:14)

It's possible I earned it by weeding the garden or trimming the lawn or doing something else. Another source of revenue I earned was being self-employed.

David Vogelpohl () (03:24)

If you're trimming your lawn, then you're paying Braden. That's okay. Okay, I gave some info away in the opening However, can you clarify the readers what you're writing on your blog and the projects you're working on at work?

Braden (03:27)

Sure, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, sure. as director of marketing for executive Products at . My duties include everything that relates to marketing for every product we offer as well as the business in which we are operating. When a product is put up to auction, it's evident to all data is a part of it and is associated with it, in addition to helping other matters like B2B games and gaming on video, and many different fields we're eager to get into. It is a regulated retailer.

All of this is connected with a single button, providing the ultimate shopping experience online. We work with SaaS enterprises, gaming firms that are AI-based, as well as B2B businesses with similar characteristics to. that. that. that.

David Vogelpohl () (04:18)

Excellent, excellent. If you have to describe the way you handled it, you'll notice that you handled a range of issues. There was a variety of subjects that covered the launch of new products and feature announcements. Additionally, you spoke about verticals. Also, you mentioned B2B as a type of category. SaaS (or video gaming). Marketers of today will reap the benefits by this kind of vertical positioning in order to sell their goods. It, in my opinion is a major issue with regards to the promotion of products.

What's the problem regarding the way that goods are promoted? Have you discovered any issues in the previous plan?

Braden (04:56)

It's a good concern. Launches of products depend on many factors that are beyond the reach of the product's creator. However, it is still the responsibility of the individual responsible for the product. For instance, in the field of engineering, when it comes to engineering for instance, if there are customer obligations that have to be met or sales start to grow the situation is like"hey you must complete this prior to the launch of the product. There are numerous factors that must be fulfilled prior to the launch of products. It is important to work with the group that is responsible for the development of the product to establish the exact time for commit and to keep an eye on

Do these items are planned to be published? What do you think "release" refers to? Would you say this implies that it can be used for anyone, or is it being used only in beta? This is the perfect right time to reflect on the questions that need to be asked, what best way to discuss it? What subjects would you like to discuss? Would we be able to talk about it since we're evaluating the product? This question has triggered a range of inquiries and lots of uncertainty that's due to this specific the way engineers work and how they manufacture. The most significant problems that are being addressed is the breaking

It's hard to grasp the difficulties it faces to see the final product prior to deciding on what time to make it available. It is also difficult to establish when the software will be live. Sometimes, I know they are aware of the date ahead of the launch. The week prior to GA and the manager of the project saying,"Hey we'll complete it. Now is the time to complete it. It's as if I'm a slave to the rope I'm pulling myself. This isn't the only thing I'm expected to perform. Therefore, it's not a surprise to hear you've talked about verticals. There's been a lot of debate regarding verticals.

This requires a lot of time. One of the questions I've had to consider and then make a choice on was: How do I go about with the launch of my brand new product, in addition to completing other projects I have to do and not influencing timeframes of the launch?

David Vogelpohl () (06:40)

If you're working with a timeline that's floating. It's not yet completely functional. An issue is found by the team members just at the very last moment. They wait until last release before releasing the update as fast as they are able to. It's not easy to coordinate the work that are shared by the designers, professionals as well as content managers, marketers and other professionals as well as the owners of websites and things such as the. Coordination of floating dates is one of the things I've heard about. Is there an additional element? Like...

Yes I've had a hand in the marketing of items in many methods throughout my professional life. When I'm talking to one of the people from the department of products They'll say that they're going to launch X and I'll be required to have the ability to announce the release. Do you think that the expectations of how long and effort is required to market various products is too high? This may be one of the reasons you're not getting conventional advertisements for your goods?

Braden (07:28)

Sure, indeed. They are also product managers, and for good reason. They're the ones that oversee the product. They are extremely passionate about their product. They've been developing their products for a lengthy period of time to get them on the market. So, they're bound to search for the most effective help they can receive to market their product. It's difficult to locate anybody in the team that comes up to you to claim that they're extremely impressed at the advancements in technological advancements.

I'd appreciate some help. I've compiled a list of suggestions on when and where to say"Let's increase the pressure on our brakes for an hour to think of possible scenarios for reasons A and B. However, I'm not able to assist you. It could be that I'm unable to accomplish this since I'm not in my zone or able to maintain a steady connection with those that are in charge of design of the product. Perhaps it is due to the fact that they aren't able to contribute to the cause that they're fighting for or different. It's not the case. You are clear that you don't want to assist everyone else you're capable of helping.

David Vogelpohl () (08:26)

Yeah. It's like thinking of this as the coordination of market access to aid in the launch of new products. The floating date is part of your regular routine, and so are others, since you've said that you're investing your time and energy investing into this. It's like you have to make an announcement regarding this. Given all the expectations and shifts in dates, it's clear that you're doing the best job at all you are able to. You're trying to manage multiple projects while trying to accomplish your job with the highest efficiency. It's exactly how I feel. Are you having?

Braden (09:01)

Yeah, yeah, that's right. In this case, many items are accomplished simultaneously. The task is to figure out how you will complete everything. Not only do you have only one day off and you must be on the job for all hours of the each day. Along with the stress in trying to focus on all the other tasks in your head take this method that is high-tech and efficient.

Condense the information to a form that can be utilized commercially. There are a lot of issues to solve.

David Vogelpohl () (09:35)

This is a topic that you mentioned a while earlier, as we were discussing the support of PMs, in addition to the relation to PMMs and to the conditions of. Are you of the opinion that the conventional method of selling items it would be suitable to mention that it is in an issue between PMMs and PMs?

Braden (09:58)

It's true, I'm sure. There have been times when it is certain it's been a contentious discussions should it be necessary to state that you aren't able to raise sufficient funds to fund your desired direction. follow. If you're forced by circumstances to make this decision, be sure that you are listening and informed of the things that the Prime Minister might like. It can also cause stress. It is also important to realize that you must to be able to communicate when you have to participate in or engage in discussion, as you note down the conversations.

Make sure it is clear and you should be proficient when it comes to recording your events as well as, in this scenario, using the technique of thematic launches to eliminate most of the problems which may arise in the course of launching of a normal product.

David Vogelpohl () (10:41)

The Product managers that want the best megaphone they could receive to advertise their latest product. There are marketing departments from different departments who are seeking advice for how to improve our marketing in order that it's more efficient? It has been discussed about changing to topics for your product. First, you must understand the core notions. What is a theme-based product release?

Braden (10:59)

Yeah, great question. Thematic releases are releases that are part of a particular topic. This is the case with B2B under the umbrella, and all other releases fall under the subject.

David Vogelpohl () (11:16)

If we're discussing our topics, there's no weekly release. That could be true when you're extremely rapid. is it the case in the case of publishing your subjects every quarter for a number of months?

Braden (11:30)

Good question. The typical release is an early spring or summer release. It doesn't generate any attention during the period of Christmas that is close to the end of the year Therefore, we don't release it in that season. We only publish three times per year. In addition, there are regular release cycles regularly.

David Vogelpohl () (11:45)

This is because of the fact that our business announces each quarter that we'll make changes based on themes for the item or collection in addition to including it into the promotion of the item. We'll also present it through a large-scale advertising campaign. How do we go about incorporating crucial elements of the numerous items and publications that relate to this topic?

Braden (12:08)

Yes, it is. There's a range of choices. As we review our clients' plans It allows us to say"OK What's in the pipeline in the next year? We can organize the items into groups. This doesn't mean that we should shift to the left when we say that we must determine which theme is A. What of the elements have to do with theme A? Instead, let's look at diverse products we'll launch in the coming year?

What is the primary idea behind each of these things can be classified under in the present season.

David Vogelpohl () (12:44)

This is possible to see and all you have to do is boost your influence. It is possible that you are missing by one quarter, maybe, at the time of announcement or other event or you could experience some interruptions as you think. It will be obvious that you're. Yeah. It means you're separating the GA from your GA in the sense that you'd prefer to conduct your own advertising.

Braden (12:51)

That's correct, yeah.

That's correct. Yeah. There's a plan. We've actually established our GA procedures that we have implemented as these products will require marketing after they've been operating. As a result, as a part of the thematic approach, it is possible to having GA assignment and actions that we could implement for each product.

David Vogelpohl () (13:18)

Every launch, if organizers wish, will be included in the theme being launched. It is possible to have an identical version which is included in GA launch. GA launch. It's really an inverse dip, as it's.

Braden (13:31)

Yeah, that's right. Yeah. It's great to ensure that everyone in our company are able to gain access to GA. It means that GA users won't be being informed about the experiences of their clients. Users are saying,"Hey I'm using this amazing product. I'd love to learn more about this product. Customer service was not an organization that wasn't created. It's not the case as of when we came to GA We've provided FAQs as well as other data based on factors to ensure that employees are aware of the current circumstances.

Additionally, the most frequently used ads, as you pointed out, may not be as successful if they're not set at the correct period of time. If your product was originally planned to launch in January, ensure you do not announce any related releases until April. The product might not be provided the same marketing focus at the start but it will be included in a larger commercial throughout the year.

David Vogelpohl () (14:17)

If you believe that this was an extremely planned strategy, would you be thinking about the possibility of adding X or another version to the themes in case you are able to be successful in getting an GA date for the crucial event you've been waiting for a long time?

Braden (14:30)

Yeah, absolutely. There's a chance of the release of a periodic variant of software we'd like to release. We'll try to limit these releases to release of just the one or two versions when they're feasible. We've developed a system is shared with you and our developers which lets us engage in debate and think"okay now is the right best time to find out more about this incredible software. It's not in the realm of "features" but is essential because of reasons like the A's and B's. We'll be working for it together, as a group. We'll make sure that everyone is aware of the goals we're aiming to accomplish. As you imagine, this project will get the attention of a special group.

This means you need to consider fifteen different kinds of items all in one go that could wind up being thrown out when the time is up. This happens frequently with regards to products that provide everything at once.

David Vogelpohl () (15:08)

Thank you.

One of my top business jokes, however, isn't actually an outcome of a joke however it is a remark. The concept is that the executives have a chance to use Q3 as a way for them to kick off Q3 and the engineers are approaching the end of the quarter. Teams are moving rapidly forming, and they are preparing for the conclusion of the quarter to be able to finish their monthly OKRs. Yeah. Okay. I gotcha.

Braden (15:33)

It's absolutely right.

David Vogelpohl () (15:38)

The theme is scheduled to go live either during this or the next one. You could be on the verge of coming to a new item or function that doesn't look like it would fit in with the theme. Do you mean one of these topics has been discussed in the past or could be a part of the theme's launch?

Braden (15:55)

It's true. So, I'm going to give you an example of the current effort. The payment methods we offer were announced during the beginning of the year calendar. We could offer various payment options. One payment option that slipped through the cracks in the world of technology, but was not fully operational at the time it released came from Google Pay and everyone knows Google Pay. We met with Google Pay's team to talk about the possibilities and ask what's the best approach to ease the process to sell Google Pay? The service isn't B2B. So, we developed an incredibly small version that can work by Google Pay.

I've prepared a couple of documents that can be used to support FAQs, a blog article or even shared via social media sites like this.

David Vogelpohl () (16:29)

What happens if you've got an anchor release of this type as well as one that is thematic? That sounds like you're making use of the anchor. This was also the case for the release that was thematic. Apple Pay slipped from or Google Pay slipped from. What do you do? Is it best to hold off announcing the new release of the theme till anchor products are in place? What other choices do you have?

Braden (16:54)

Yeah, I mean, it depends. There are times when there's an open-ended waiting period for the results. This happens. It's true. I'm in conversation with the makers of the program today. They have said that B2B is worthy of the wait, and the launch is expected to be a few months in the calendar year. The benefit of having an event with a theme is that there is no set time frame. The time frame is set by us. So, if we need to prolong the timeline to allow us to complete the engineering and product development it's feasible to do so.

It is also possible to change themes at any moment. If the most recent product for this season isn't launched, it's possible to look at different options to find the most effective choice to work with the theme by using a different strategy. Also, there is the possibility of creating a model that is open to modifications throughout the entire year.

David Vogelpohl () (17:47)

It's a fantastic idea. If I take a look at an old-fashioned advertisement campaign designed to promote an item that is brand new is similar to the announcement blog, perhaps even an announcement that is made through the press release, emailing our clients or contacting potential customers such as this. What is the distinction between a theme release and a press release when it comes to structure?

Braden (18:07)

Yes, I've spoken about the subject previously. The majority of those cases remain in place. It's currently the case that these same issues occur. But, there's also the GA task. In addition to the internal notification which are a part of the application. If you grant access to applications or devices, you're giving the access to us and our team. The access is not the same as themes-based versions.

Instead of being focused on all the identical features, due to the ability to access this feature in pieces and pieces, it is possible to determine the overall value of each component. This is a massive difference that is difficult to achieve with the release of an identical by releasing it in parts over the time or even the calendar year.

David Vogelpohl () (19:04)

Yeah. This is a great strategy since it makes people believe that the story is more than just a story. I'm a huge enthusiast of this style of movie. An illustration that I think best for me is the improvement in the standard of living, which were a huge challenge for engineers yet don't necessarily make life better for everyday people. It's an easy concept to grasp, isn't it? Anyone who lives anywhere in the world doesn't have a clue about the existence of a particular issue or issue. It's not easy because Phil who is employed by the organization that supplies services must come forward and say"Hey everyone We've got your back. this. This can be beneficial to customers as well as for business.

Braden (19:08)


David Vogelpohl () (19:34)

Thematic releases don't just allow people to utilize the megaphone, they also aid in enlivening the stories of improved living situations.

Braden (19:43)

The ability to access a variety of features, but they're not suitable to use for marketing, and they're not even being released in a quick manner by Pendo. Instead, they're displayed on a page that is an internet destination, with many functions. It's important to promote your megaphone. It's crucial to make sure you share your megaphone. There are many benefits to making small changes that can improve the quality of your life.

David Vogelpohl () (20:08)

If you choose this method what is your requirement?

Braden (20:13)

The third theme is here. And next month, we'll be able to see the date of release of our third theme. The theme will be released the 1st of July.

David Vogelpohl () (20:20)

At the end of the third quarter the way through, do you feel that the information you've gathered can help you manage the marketing budget? can also help you introduce products that are brand new or something you would want to find out more about?

Braden (20:33)

It's not surprising that the program was altered with my input. One thing I'm noticing is that not just have I had the ability to support all the programmers in their work, but I'm not just assisting with in their work, but I additionally, manage various aspects of marketing including demand generation. They've got a large number of lead times, which they didn't have prior to the launch in the first phase of their program.

Furthermore, we could add components that were hard to obtain. It could be the most significant advantage. Additionally, it has the benefit that it gives us the opportunity for working on vertical extension in other areas like video games as an example. There is a chance that we won't have the resources or time to further push verticals.

David Vogelpohl () (21:28)

The company was told it was home to the video gaming area at one point. Customers have enjoyed gaming for a lengthy period of time, right until the start of business. It's involved in the field. Are you convinced that certain sections of the client base could have a role to play in the themes, or do you believe they're more focused on aspects?

Braden (21:51)

Yes, segmentation plays a big role. In my previous post I talked about the fact that our next launch is focused on B2B. It's an area that we'd like to expand into and we're eager to expand to. It's an area where we're exploring the use of video games too. Discussions have been held on how to improve the capabilities that are available in Apple Pay and implemented Google Pay. In addition, the extension is offered with the vertical theme does not only opens up possibilities of this, but also offer alternatives...

It's up to you which type of launch you choose, but it has the benefit of being able to incorporate things like the power of thoughts to the theme for your launch. It could be something that you struggle to incorporate with traditional launches. Therefore, you'll be in an ideal place to obtain a higher, likely more substantial results of your campaign to promote, as well as more favorable outcome from this occasion. This will benefit your business.

David Vogelpohl () (22:44)

Excellent. It was a very informative piece Braden. I'm pleased that you took the time for a live chat about the topic. It was a great discussion, and it was reported in Austin's City of Austin. It was a pleasure to conduct this discussion in front of the crowd. The program was excellent. We thank you for being part of this show.

Braden (23:01)

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your group. It was fun.

David Vogelpohl () (23:04)

Awesome. If you're interested in knowing more information about the various work Braden is working on, for example the possibility of his next theme-based release Please go to .com. Thank you for participating in this development Stage. Host is David Vogelpohl. I am a huge fan of the internet-based community of products in my job as . I am humbled and thrilled that I have the chance to share the wonderful aspects of this community for those in the Stage of Growth. Stage. Thank you so much for the support of my colleagues on stage.

David Vogelpohl

David Vogelpohl David is the CMO of . In the last 25 years David Vogelpohl has led teams which have developed high-end engines of innovation and technology across a wide range of firms like WP Engine, Genesis, AWS, Cloudflare, and many more.

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