The Way TCommerce Powered Tongue-Tied Academy in order to raise funds for charity

Jul 4, 2024

The Birmingham, Alabama, pediatric dentist Richard Baxter, DMD, MS helps dental professionals identify and treat the tongue and the lip tie.

This journey, catalyzed through the birth of twins in 2014, resulted into the establishment of Tongue-Tied Academy A platform devoted to solving a widespread yet unsolved problem.

Since the introduction of the course in 2020 he's had over 1500 students enroll. He has made sure to donate any profits made to charities, both local and international.

The writer explains the process he used to create his online business for courses, as well as how TCommerce was a catalyst for his growth.

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He found his niche

As the girls were still young as babies and he observed that they had ties on their tongues, which was hindering their nursing ability. After finding a dentist, he was able to apply a laser treatment on the tongues of children that allowed them to nurse with greater ease. "The dentist recommended that I keep an eye out for tongue-ties in the children since it's more frequent than most people think; around one out of four children possess one," Baxter tells .

At the same time, people began to ask what his thoughts were on tongues and tie-ups for the lips. In search of more information and more, he delved into each course and publication on the topic but realized that there was not much information available to pick from. He was then able to make use of lasers in the tongue tie process. After treating patients and responding to the mother's queries he decided to write an article for his blog regarding the procedure. Many people approached him for his help, and prompted him to write and write a book, Tongue Tied, in 2018. "People had read the book but were still interested in learning more," Baxter says. Baxter.

He determined that his next move was to build an online academy of his own . In the year 2020, after his dental clinic shut down because of the pandemic, He had completed his over 200-page script for the course. Then, he hired a film crew to document the 25-hour course principal during the time the office was shut down.

He signed up to

Central to Tongue-Tied Academy's success is the partnership it has with creating a seamless system to deliver courses.

"What's appealing is the fact that I'm able to arrange the lessons into modules." Baxter shares.

He could offer his material in bite-size portions, and add tests at the end of each module. Additionally, he adds chapters of his book into the program. "I consider it advantageous to add different types of lessons instead of only video," he reveals.

He's a regular user of's feature, which lets him automatically generate a certification for his students. "I am not required to think about what I'll do to the class in one day, aside from answering the discussion questions since everything is automatized," he says.

He made checkout easier with TCommerce

The transition to TCommerce over Stripe has proved to be a significant aid in easing the process of checking out for the students of Tongue-Tied Academy. Baxter believes that the use of TCommerce resulted in him losing fewer sales; since switching to the Stripe integration, and also the checkout process is much more simple according to Baxter.

Support for a variety of payment methods, including Apple Pay and Google Pay, Baxter says that TCommerce ensures a seamless transaction process that makes it easy and convenient for users worldwide.

"You have the ability to simply click an icon, input your facial ID to take a class," Baxter says. Baxter. "It's a lot easier than having to enter all the information you've learned into a ."

Moreover, 's automated the calculation of tax on sales eases administrative burdens and ensures that compliance with the requirements of the various state regulators. Baxter says that money earned from his classes can be transferred faster compare to his prior payments provider.

"I do not even consider the process because it's so easy," he says. " Payments takes care of every detail for me and the money simply shows up on the bank account ."

With the intention of launching an improved version of his most well-known course in the spring of next year Baxter plans on using the option of a bump in order that allows customers to purchase another course for less, and without ever slowing the process of purchasing.

His impact was through charity

When the money has been in his bank account He then donates 100% of the earnings to charities.

From supporting clean water initiatives across Africa and Asia to aiding rehabilitation as well as efforts to stop human trafficking Baxter's devotion to the wellbeing of his community illustrates the Academy's wider purpose of providing social assistance. "I have nothing else to do," he says. "We are blessed with a house as well as a car, so we're fine ."

"If I am able to aid a child that couldn't feed previously, or who is suffering with colic and is having a tough time getting through it, then the investment is worth it," he continues.

He launched different versions of his class

To address the different requirements of his students, Baxter launched a condensed version of his course which is specifically designed for professionals such as speech therapists and lactation consultants. The LITE Version course, priced at $495, provides an easy but thorough study of the subject that is geared towards a broader spectrum of learners.

Each course is a perpetually modified format, meaning that students can sign for the course at any time they'd like. "Teaching this class on the internet has made it as accessible as it can be," he says.

In addition, they offer American Dental Association-approved continuing education credits. "We have an accredited CE provider. That means you can apply it toward the renewal of the license they have," Baxter explains.

Although the most popular course is priced at $2,600 The course, when coupled with CE certification, helps users understand the ROI of their investment.

He created a simple customer experience

Despite his successes, Baxter says that he has no marketing plan.

The journey of a client begins once people read his book. If they wish to know more about the topic The book will guide readers to the Tongue-Tied Academy.

At events where he gives talks or conferences, typically attendees are likely to join his mailing list. Once people are on the mailing list of his, they'll receive an email sequence from MailChimp and will direct people to his blog.

He was the one who defined success

Baxter says success is having the capacity to grow his knowledge. "It's not just me doing it," Baxter states.

"We have over 1500 patients who have been through the program. If each of them sees at least one patient per period, that's greater than I've had the privilege of treating on my own. ."

In addition, his success is based in educating caregivers, assisting parents as well as ensuring that patients are treated, all by using the proceeds to help charities around the globe.

In the process of making an online course he recommends that creators seek the areas of their interest. "It could be anything," the author says. "And whatever it's about, you could make the path you wish to follow. ."

"Just take the initiative!" Baxter encourages. "I'm not a online-based course guy. I'm a dentist. This is an idea I've put out there in the past, and this year we were honored to be in the top ten programs on ."

Prior to the establishment of Tongue-Tied Academy, he created two courses by himself. Each was costing $99 with a total of 10 participants. "I have learned from this experience," he states. I got higher-quality video and created a renowned program with Tongue-Tied Academy ."

"You might fail a couple occasions," he adds, "but this is part of learning. There is a chance of making a mistake if you don't take the lessons gained from the experience. ."

The Tongue-Tied Academy continues to evolve, fueled by a steadfast dedication to education and service and its history of altruism and empowerment is a beacon of inspiration for students and educators alike.

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