This security vulnerability that is crucial to security is disclosed within the article"What You Must Learn to

Jun 17, 2023

Last Update: 23rd June 2021

On July 13, 2021, a serious security issue in Blocks features-based plugins was uncovered. Blocks feature-based plugins has been discovered. Block feature plugin was identified and promptly disclosed by security specialist Josh via HackerOne. HackerOne Software for security.

When they learned of the issue and identifying the problem by the team, they conducted thorough reviews of the codebases that were in this category, and created a patch to solve the problem in every affected version (90or higher versions) that was automatically distributed to all stores that had vulnerabilities.

If I own a business how should I proceed?

Automated upgrades to software from 5.5.1 were made available on July 14th, 2021. This update is available to every store that runs version of the plug-in which has been affected. We highly recommend making sure that you're using the most recent version. This version is 5.5.2* or the most recent version that can be available within the release branch. If you're using Blocks, that means you're currently in version 5.5.1 of this plugin.

It's critically crucial: following the release of 5.5.2 23rd July 2021, the auto-update process that was previously discussed had been stopped.

If you upgrade to a patched or updated version, we also recommend:

  • Change the passwords for any administrators on your site in particular if they share the same password on multiple websites
  • It's the method of turning Payment Gateway as well as API keys that are used by your site.

Further details regarding the steps outlined below.

5.5.2 was launched on July 23, 2021. 5.5.2 was released on July 23, 2021. The changes that are contained in this version do not have something to do with the security flaw discovered in the last few days.

What should I do in order to find out what version of my app which is current?

Here is the complete list of patches that are offered for Blocks as well as Blocks. If you're running a version of Blocks which does not appear on the list below it is recommended to upgrade to the most recent version of the block that's operating in the version you're running.

The purified versions have been filtered A variety of Blocks which are tapped
3.3.6 2.5.16
3.4.8 2.6.2
3.5.9 2.7.2
3.6.6 2.8.1
3.7.2 2.9.1
3.8.2 3.0.1
3.9.4 3.1.1
4.0.2 3.2.1
4.1.2 3.3.1
4.2.3 3.4.1
4.3.4 3.5.1
4.4.2 3.6.1
4.5.3 3.7.2
4.6.3 3.8.1
4.7.2 3.9.1
4.8.1 4.0.1
4.9.3 4.1.1
5.0.1 4.2.1
5.1.1 4.3.1
5.2.3 4.4.3
5.3.1 4.5.3
5.4.2 4.6.1
5.5.1 4.7.1
5.5.2 4.8.1

What's wrong with my site? Why isn't it updated by itself?

The site you're on might not receive automatic updates because of a range of causes, however some could be because of an older website than that in danger (below 3.3) Automatic updates are able to be turned off on your site. Your filesystem can only be accessible by reading. In addition, there could be conflicts with extensions which block update.

Each time (except the initial one that you aren't affected) It is recommended to try by hand updating your computer to the latest patched versions of the release branch (e.g. 5.5.2, 5.4.2, 5.3.1 and etc.) as per the table.

Do you know if any details about you have been stolen or accessed?

Based on the most recent research, we believe there's a limited opportunity for exploitation.

If a store was affected by the incident and the shop was affected by the event, it's a specific issue to the data stored on the site. The data could include the specifics about their purchases along with the details of customers and administrative information.

What should I do in order to identify if my website was compromised?

Due to the nature of the security vulnerability as well as the method by the way WordPress (and thus ) permits web requests to be processed, there isn't any way to know for sure the flaw. The possibility exists that exploit attempts will be detected by looking over the host's logs for the access you have made (or seeking help from the host service provider regarding this). The form below have been discovered between 19th December, and the month of January. This could be an indication of a plot to exploit the system:

  • REQUEST_URI matching regular expression /\/wp-json\/wc\/store\/products\/collection-data.*%25252. */
  • REQUEST_URI matching regular expression /.*\/wc\/store\/products\/collection-data.*%25252. */ (note that this expression could not be effective or slow to process within a variety of log environments)
  • Any non-GET (POST or PUT) request to /wp-json/wc/store/products/collection-data or /?rest_route=/wc/store/products/collection-data

The requests that we've detected through this vulnerability originate from the IP addresses listed below. They're mostly coming from the initial IP address on the list. If you can find one or all of these IP addresses listed previously in the logs of access it is likely that this vulnerability was used to attack:


Which passwords should I capable of changing?

There is a good chance that your password could be in danger since it is being processed.

WordPress passwords for users are secured with salts. That means that the hash value is extremely hard to break. This method of hashing is based on salt. It makes sure that your password remains secure for use as a role as administrator. It also protects passwords are also used by users of your website and customers. It is still possible that the hashed version of your password that is stored in your database may be compromised due to this vulnerability. The hash keys should be secure and protected your passwords from abuse.

It's likely that your website uses the standard WordPress security system to protect passwords, which are accessible by users. Based on plugins that you've added to your site you could have passwords as well as any other information that is private kept in non-secure security systems.

If you believe that any of the administrator users on your site may have been using the same password across various websites, it's recommended to change the passwords on these accounts to make sure that your website's passwords aren't stolen. website's users were stolen from another website.

Also, it is recommended to change any secret or private information that is stored within your WordPressor database. This could be API keys, key for the public and private keys of payment gateways and so on, contingent on the setting specific to your website.

When we are an extension designer or a service provider, must we alert our vendors?

If you're working with a retailer or online store you are a customer of or a buyer, we suggest to work with them to ensure that they are conscious of this security issue or update your site to a safer version.

If you've created extensions or are offering an SaaS service that relies on APIs, we'd love to help retailers in changing the API keys associated with their services to allow them to connect your service.

I'm the proprietor of a company. Should I inform my customers?

The method you use to inform your customers about this change is entirely the responsibility of your. Your obligations to notify clients of changes to items such as passwords can differ depending on specifics like your web site's infrastructure and the place in which both you and your customers live, what information your website is collecting as well as whether your website is hacked.

One of the primary steps you can do to safeguard your customers is upgrading your software to the most current version that has a patched upgrade to fix the vulnerability.

After updating, we recommend:

  • It is recommended to update the passwords to all the administrators of your website, especially if you use the same passwords on multiple websites.
  • It is a process for turning off both the Payment Gateway and API keys that allow access to your website.

The owner of the store decides whether you'd like to be more in your approach by changing customers' passwords. WordPress (and consequently ) users' passwords are hashed using salts meaning that the value of the hash is very hard to break. The salted hash method is employed for all the passwords stored by users on your site as also for the clients' passwords.

Do you have the capacity to use it in a secure method?


While such incidents occur infrequently, they're likely to happen. The goal of our team is to respond quickly and work in complete openness.

When we first learned of the problem, our team has been working all working all day long to ensure that a solution is discovered and that users are kept informed.

Constant investments in security for our platforms help us stay clear of many of the issues however, when we come across some situations that could affect our stores, we work to resolve them quickly, communicate effectively, as well as work with our customers.

Do I have any questions?

The post originally appeared here. this website.

The post first appeared here. this site

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