This video has raised more than $500K on Indiegogo

Nov 14, 2023

In the past year, our team was hired to shoot an advertisement for a crowdfunding campaign. This client had previously released a product funded by crowdfunding that was not successful therefore we had to come in with an effective plan to both assure the client and raise the funds needed to finish the project.

The campaign in question was for a bioelectric wearable, the Amofit S which aids with anxiety, stress and sleep anxiety by regulating the vagus nerve. It is a high-tech device supported by extensive studies, therefore our aim was to make the product be a pleasant experience and of course, desirable.

In the end, we exceeded our original goals for fundraising. The final video is here -continue reading to find out how everything came together with a little help from the power of .

The first step is to create an outline of your marketing strategy

A properly thought-out plan is crucial when it comes to video. Our team started by identifying a handful of important factors.

  • The intended audience and the customer profile
  • The problem they want to address
  • The product's solution to their problem
  • What can we do to effectively "hook" our viewers?

The main goals of the video were to show how the product works in a way that felt credible and trustworthy and also showcase the product's capabilities. We also needed to make small commercials from the footage for social media as well as YouTube.

As we worked on the script, we pondered which scenarios we could feature that resonated with the audience we were targeting and make them want to put their money into.

How did the video come together

We were working on an extremely limited budget. This is tough, especially when you're trying to create a two-minute video.

We decided to compile the introduction using stock footage which we then recruited five actors for this main portion of the film, and filmed at four different locations over three days. To make things more engaging the video, we made use of VO to guide the viewers through the video. Additionally, we added lots of motion design as well as 3D animations to make the appear modern and interesting.

Our client had lots of comments about the 3D animations and models We were pleased to have 's built-in comments feature that allowed us to describe our changes in an understandable, easy-to-visualize manner.

Below is a simple 3D model we created within a few hours in our studio.

Pro tip

We also took product photos while filming the video, which reduced the cost of the client's content by a significant amount. Shooting photos during video production could save you cash on equipment, locations and even talents. The client could make use of the images for all of their marketing and social media campaign.

Use video for your North Star

The time we put into our plan initially allowed us to achieve remarkable outcomes. The film was able to bring in nearly $900K and our client couldn't be happier. Its Amofit S is currently in the process of being made and is going out to nearly 4,000 purchasers.

A compelling story that is told well by video is sure to entice the viewer and bring you closer to potential buyers. We were very pleased with the client Amo Lab and happy to collaborate with them to bring this project to fruition. Learn more about the process by which the project was created.