Three types of Facebook ads to increase Your Online Course Sales

May 23, 2024

Whatever your needs, whether it's a an extremely small budget or a million of dollars to put into it. The minimum needed Facebook marketing budget for advertising is just one dollar a day.

You're likely to be wondering "How do I expect to achieve any meaningful result for a small amount of money each week?"

Let's glance at the numbers actually used.

Here's an image of an advertising campaign that I conducted with my agency. These are results for the past seven days.

It's clear that we've already paid $14.11 which led to three course sales, with a total sales value of $991.

It's not an error It's a fact that we are getting an ROI of 7000% from this particular campaign.

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

They are simple to put in practice and they are cost-effective.

Learn more about what you can do to apply them to your own life.

 Pay attention to points of Urgency and scarcity

Leveraging urgency and scarcity are two of the best methods to increase your sales. Sometimes, increasing sales by as much as 332%..

Before proceeding we need to define urgency and scarcity.

Urgency is the time that a customer is forced to act immediately. When something has a time limit, the purchaser feels the need to act quickly because the buyer knows they must either act prior to an exact date or risk missing out on an opportunity.

Scarcity is the term employed to refer to anything that is scarce and may be in short supply. For instance, suppose you offer your course to 20 students. The class is now being characterized as a shortage, because after all the spots have been taken, your course becomes no longer open to prospective buyers.

The most common reasons for the need and urgency to launch a course are generally:

  • The time when bonuses will expire
  • When discounts are expiring
  • In the event that you only have a certain number of freebies you can offer. For instance that the first 20 clients receive a complimentary 1-hour consultation phone
  • When the cart is closing

Through a handful of smart Facebook ads, you are able to highlight this issue of scarcity or urgency and increase the revenue you make.

Here's an excellent example from

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

The ads provide an additional avenue to reach out to those who may have not opened your emails regarding a deadline approaching or when you've sold out.

     1. Notify people of bonuses and Discounts expire.

They are extremely effective when you retarget people who have already been engaged with your campaign in some way.

For setting them up it is necessary to create a few new Custom Audiences.

To begin, import the contacts from your email list who are engaged in your campaign to build an entirely new Custom Audience.

In order to do this, go to the "Audiences" area of the Facebook Advertisement Manager to create a custom Audience.

It's assumed that you're advertising your course to your entire email list. That means you'll want to transfer the entire list of subscribers to Facebook in the form of a .csv file in order to build the new Custom Audience.

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales
3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

Now you'll need to upload the .csv Select the fields you would like Facebook to use to match your data to Facebook users. Once you're finished, it's done.

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

It's now time to design the ad that will specifically target your email list. Audience.

Make the brand new "Website Clicks Campaign. After that, you'll be able to create the Ad Set within the Campaign.

While you're setting up an Ad Set, select your personal email list that you designed for your Audience to use as the primary email list. It is not necessary to choose a area or a country in the moment, so leave it as is.

If you've got an offer that's due to expire like a package of bonus offers or a time duration discount, I'd prefer to enter the time and date when the offer will end in the 'End Date field. This will ensure that the advertisements don't run all day long, until the offer is over.

In the end, it is important to create an advertisement that informs viewers it that your deal is running out and then hyperlinks to the sales website. It's not hard in any way!

     2. Retarget sales page visitors through the use of Facebook Messenger advertisements

Have you visited a sales site and spotted the chat option at the top?

These are a great way to contact potential buyers who might be thinking of purchasing your product or service.

If you have someone on your sales page is clearly attracted. A quick conversation with you could be the only thing they require in order to decide if they want to buy.

It's an excellent feature of this fairly new alternative in Facebook ads.

This allows us to choose Facebook Messenger as the destination for your advertisements. If someone clicks on an advertisement that has Messenger as the target, it immediately starts a Messenger chat using the Facebook profile you have on.

Here's an example. You can see that after a user clicks on the ad located on the left-hand side of the page the Facebook page, a chat between the brand and the Facebook page will be initiated instantly.

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

Re-targeting your sales page visitors through an advertisement that allows users to instantly start a Facebook Messenger conversation with you works extremely well at the moment.

When they click on the advertisements, you'll be able to respond to their questions right there in Facebook messenger.

It's an excellent customer experience and it's a quick, low-cost solution to get the setup.

Because the audience size is typically low by Facebook standards, it would typically cost a few dollars to display an ad like this on a campaign.

This is how to make your advertising campaigns work by using Facebook Messenger as the target.

1. Start a new campaign using the concept of Website Traffic

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

2. Create a Custom Audience on your site which includes all clients who come to the sales pages. Be sure to remove your Custom Audience which is comprised of your customers.

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales
3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

Once you select the daily budget, it's time to design your ad.

It's similar to creating the other Facebook advert, with the exception of one difference.

Instead of choosing your destination as an URL for a website it is necessary to select 'Messenger Text' as your destination.

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

If you click Messenger Text, you also can choose to send a message. This message will be the initial message you exchange with your prospective customer.

In the case of this example I would rather start with something that is simple in order to kick off the discussion.

Once you have clicked publish the ads will be live and operational.

A couple of important things to keep in mind:

  • It is essential to enable the ability to send messages to your Facebook page in order for these ads to work. You can do that via your settings on the page (on the 'General' tab)
  • The faster you respond more quickly, the higher your likelihood of closing the deal. It is important to know who is watching your posts on your website to ensure that you can respond to prospective customers quickly.

     3. Testimonial Ads

After you've gathered a couple positive reviews about your course, the next step is to incorporate them into your sales page and the checkout.

Do we really need to stop?

Let's look at some of the outcomes from the ads that were used to promote testimonials as part of a major launch.

It is evident that 19 people went on to purchase the course after they clicked on the testimonials ad. The cost was just $107 for the advertisement However, the 19 transactions exceeded $56,000 in revenue.

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

Here's how to incorporate testimonials in your Facebook ads:

Make sure to only show your testimonials only to individuals who have expressed interest in the course you offer. It's the place they'll be most effective and deliver most ROI.

My preference is to only show reviews to those who have visited the sales page.

For this, all the first thing you have to create is a Facebook Custom Audience that contains the people who went to your website to buy products.

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales
The process of setting up an audience that is custom-built to only your sales site's visitors

When you've set up your advertising set then you'll have the ability to make sure that your sales page is targeted to users with a customized group of people.

Before we move on to the ad creatives Before moving on to the creatives, there's a crucial aspect I'd want to explain as you browse over all the Ad Set options.

We're aiming at an extremely narrow target audience, it is essential to ensure that your ads for testimonials get noticed by as large a number of them as possible.

It is possible to ensure that Facebook displays your advert to as many people inside the group you want to target by selecting the option 'Daily Unique Reach' within the "Optimization and Delivery" setting.

This instructs Facebook to show your ads on that page for as wide of your audience as possible, a maximum of once per the day.

Are you looking to display your advertisement at least once a day? Make sure to duplicate the set of ads. If you've got a lot of testimonials, you can have them all separately on an advertisement set so that your audiences sees only a few of them per all day (this is the way I like it).

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

What should your testimonial ads look like?

The first thing to do is look at the types of testimonials you've received. Are they video testimonials or written?

If you're using testimonials that are text-based (this is one of the most popular) You can create a standard image advertisement similar to this one taken by Brian Dean:

3 Types of Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Course Sales

It is also possible to employ a carousel to display multiple testimonials within one ad.

Carousels can work well, but just know that there is a limit to the text for each testimonial on carousels, making the process difficult.

For promoting testimonial videos, you can create an advert similar to that shown above, using videos instead of images is all you need.

If you're running a video (testimonials or of any kind) Include captions that allow users to watch videos without sound. I use to get captions on my videos and I suggest you use the same procedure. At just $1/minute this is a very affordable option and improves the engagement of your viewers as well as the number of clicks.

 Make sure you focus on Facebook ads that will yield the most ROI

Most people focus upon the usage of Facebook ads to acquire new leads or subscribers, and ignore the ads that will provide the most return on investment.

If you're working with a massive ad budget or you only have a few dollars to spend, these should be your first ads to make.

You can give them the exam for your course. They are suitable for both closed and open launches or even evergreen courses. There's no reason to not try them out and see whether they're a good fit for your needs.

Finally, if you're interested in getting a copy of the exclusive course launch ad blueprint that I use for my private agency clients you can click here to get the blueprint for free. It will help you determine the best times and places to run ads to promote your courses, including the ones I've provided above plus a few extras which I do not normally share.

Andrew Hubbard helps experts & online course creators scale their launches of brand new courses as well as evergreen sales funnels ranging from six to seven figures using Facebook advertising. Download his no-cost Facebook Ad Blueprint for Online Course launches here.

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