
Apr 16, 2024

An opportunity to obtain detailed information on development decisions and new releases is invaluable ao we've decided to roll out similar blogs for other products in our offering.

Develop themes

At the theme development blog Team Theme will be posting regarding a wide range of subjects:

  • Significant releases on the most well-loved themes
  • WooFramework evolution
  • UX/UI decisions within our themes
  • General technical guidance

The the first article addresses a number aspects of these in the release of Canvas 5.7.0.

 Explore the theme's creation blog

Create plugins

In the same vein as the and Theme development blogs, the blog for plugin development will focus on providing identical micro-updates when we release new versions of the plugin. This is a fantastic blog to keep track of if you're running several of our plugins on your site(s) since you'll get the lowdown on all releases at one spot prior to executing any update.

This blog will also be used to promote passive developer resources relating to our plugins - such as tutorials, FAQ's and general best practise tips & tricks etc.

 View the plugin developer blog

What is the reason for blogs to be separated?

If we put all of the plugin and theme related content we wanted to on our blog, it could eventually get out of control. The smaller blogs on our satellites give our staff the opportunity to write smaller (but still very relevant) content that might feel out of place on our main blog. In addition, it provides you our customers a great way to get a complete view of the vast quantity of work involved through the process of developing products at WooThemes and to find the rationale for the choices we've made.

How do I subscribe?

On the sidebar of every blog there's a place where you can subscribe by email. This will provide you with daily updates of any posts, delivered directly to your inbox.

Check out our Themes and Plugins blogs!