What can you do to increase the impact of your charity through online Education?

Sep 19, 2024

Since the pandemic's start several organisations have needed to think about ways to increase their impact and maintain their physical presence using virtual methods.

The charitable space isn't an industry famous for being the first to adopt new technology though as per Thrive For Good's International Executive Director, James Woller. "Charities are generally more conservative and shrewd in their efforts to expand. The need was to Thrive to take a different method to move forward. This involved the risk of offering training through virtual ," he explains.

The introduction of online learning has allowed this charity to expand its impact. "Before  the introduction of online learning, we were affecting around 30,000 individuals. Today, we're affecting nearly 80k. From 550 communities to 800, seven nations to 47 and now we're expanding into places which have never been imagined before," says Woller.

Another nonprofit that's needed to come up with innovative solutions to remain in front of the threats that covid-19 poses can be located in Vayu Global Health Foundation. Prior to the epidemic, Burke was traveling every few weeks to instruct medical professionals working in the medical field. As traveling is not practical, so the Vayu team developed an online program to provide training for people all over all over the world.

"We only use it for education purposes," says Vayu's executive director, Thomas Burke. "Without all of our efforts and efforts, we might have brought in a stop due to the spreading of the pandemic ."

We spoke with Thrive for Good's James Woller and Vayu Global Health Foundations' Thomas Burke to discuss how they managed to expand their reach in an uncertain time in the world. We found that they were able to accomplish this via two ways through online teaching as well as examining the field of charitable work through a more flexible perspective. This is how they increased the impact of their charity activities:

1. Teaching online

Thrive For Good

2. billion people do not get sufficient nutrients. Thrive For Good provides community members and individuals around the world with tools to sustainably grow healthy, organic food for the long haul through providing people who wish to know how to cultivate foods for their own consumption as well as their families and also organizations who can integrate the concepts of Thrive into their programs. The average of the business produces nearly a million Canadian dollars a month in foods in their community gardens which is based upon 50 cents for each meal.

Through partnerships in Europe, South America, Africa as well as Asia, Woller says they could not have gotten their message across the globe without the development of online education courses.

Not only has online learning improved the scale of organizations, however it has also helped deal problems that covid-19. "Just the other day, I'm calling my friend who is from Uganda in a country where border is locked and mobility is severely restricted... It's extremely difficult to arrange an instructor in-person right now, which is the reason online education can ."

Woller states that the company has saved lots of cash since converting an online. "We're cutting thousands of dollars through making use of . If we sent a Thrive instructor to every member of our partner's organization in the span of a month however, it wouldn't be possible to grow in the way that we do," he says.

Vayu Global Health

Thomas Burke, emergency doctor and professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, runs both branches of his organization on : Vayu Global Health Foundation and Vayu Global Health Innovations.

The Vayu Global Health Foundations is an trust with charitable goals which focuses on finding and implementing breakthrough solutions that will transform improve newborn, maternal and child health. Vayu Global Health Innovations, the Vayu Global Health Innovations arm of the trust is a public firm, meaning they're registered with World Health Organization as well as being part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as fully committed to global good and community.

In Vayu The company has developed medical devices designed to alleviate CPAP that Burke asserts is one of the most deadly killers for young children younger than five. The device utilized to treat the condition is able to lower the risk of dying by up to 66 percent. As most machines require electricity, they're too expensive to use in nations that are poor. The Vayu team came up with an option for just $300less than what it costs for the traditional CPAP device that costs $12,000which offers the same top-quality. The device does not require power or bioengineering help, which makes it accessible to people who have limited resources to make use of. By using , they're in a position to instruct local doctors about how to use the device.

Since then, the CPAP course has proved to be a huge success They're currently in the process of creating another course to instruct medical professionals on how to utilize their latest device called Oxygen mixer. It's normally priced at $1,200 but they've created the exact unit priced at only $50. This could be used to help children who suffer from respiratory problems or pneumonia.

Additionally, the online platform allows you to connect with more people. It also aids in standardizing the medical device training. "We can be master instructors across every country however, it's not enough. Training allows us to make sure that the teaching quality is consistent with methods and testing. It will be the same for all students." The trainer declares.

2. The use of a progressive lense

Thrive For Good

Woller states that the traditional method may be difficult to increase the charitable impact. "The essence of a charity's existence is dependent on donations and charitable giving. The traditional relationship between donor or philanthropist and the organization that runs the program pose some challenges when scaling," The author describes. "Donors aren't always keen on having their money going towards technology improvements... They prefer to having their funds go to initiatives... However, by building up capacities through technological advancements and advancements, we will be capable of expanding ."

Thrive's innovation has come from looking at businesses who are already focusing on nutrition and organic farming as well as expanding their efforts. "We weren't required to double the budget to make a double impact. We've changed from a B2C model to a B2B one. We like to think of ourselves as Java in your personal computer. We don't need to be Dell or Apple. It is possible to label our products as white. It's a novel method of doing business in the charitable sector. ."

The company has been able expand its operations since their online launch, Woller explains. "We received a call from an organization located in India that has a variety of training centres, 18,000 employees as well as community members, and millions of beneficiaries. They contacted us concerned about the security of food in India and the problem of covid-19. They requested us to transfer all their education to the"Thrive. That's scale."

Woller strongly believes that charities help in investigating new ideas, and also taking risk. The online learning was an experiment that paid off with amazing result. "I consider that two moments of ingenuity and creativity within the realm of charitable work is necessary. To make a difference, you must take risks. We're glad that we decided of trying online learning." He says.

Although Woller acknowledges that taking risks can be scary However Woller believes that the outcomes can be awe-inspiring and is a normal element of the entrepreneur's journey. According to him "Ninety percent of enterprises fail, yet entrepreneurs maintain their momentum ."

Vayu Global Health

The Vayu Global Health Innovations model is built on establishing a rigorous revenue base that allows them to expand and expand self-sufficiently and not relying on donations. "This is an unusual model for charitable organizations," He says.

Through the use of an advanced lens, they've been able to deliver online training. They're now able to access a much larger audience that they would be able to reach with only the training being delivered in person. "We are able to think bigger with across populations and health systems easier than the demo training programs which ."

If you're looking to get the online learning process, Burke believes that the outcomes are as great in the amount of effort you put in. "You should be aware of the fact that it's difficult to develop educational materials with high-quality content," he says. "Teaching involves some kind of fun as you attempt to attract the attention of your students. The focus shouldn't only be on imparting the facts. The trick is to think outside the box and enjoy yourself with your ."

Burke advises that charities partner with the locals of the communities who they're working with to develop the material they employ. "It's good that charities collaborate on their projects with locals instead of being a part of the same concept of having an Americanized instrument that you're attempting to get across the Atlantic. I doubt that it can succeed," he says.

To give a quick overview the process of implementing an online course is an exciting stage in the field of charity which will dramatically boost the ability of an organisation to expand. Be bold, take chances and breaking away from the norm could help charities increase their influence and reach.

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