What Can You Do To Increase Your Number From Zero to 1000 online course participants with no advertising budget

Sep 12, 2024

You have everything laid out. There's a gap in your plan. written your lesson plans, and you're pumped up and excited about everything. It's possible that you've finished creating the curriculum. But a question looms how do you plan to communicate information to potential students? What are the best ways to make it prominent to your target audience? What websites do you need to use for sharing your information?

The good news is that those of you who are facing this issue: it's an simple solved problem. A number of authors have developed online courses that covered a variety of material. I'll show you the best ways to create your own course starting from 0 students up to 1000. It's all free of cost for marketing.

Beginning with me, I'll explain one of the common mistakes that instructors make when they set out to design their own course. It is because of the fact that they follow a build-first approach instead of a strategy which is built on the audience. The reason for why this "build-first" strategy isn't optimal is that you assume that everything is an actual fact, which could expose the course instructor to a number of risks within the classroom. Particularly in regards to the content you should compose and how the course structure should be.

Below are the four main components in this mini-tutorial for making sure you have consistent, steady traffic to your training course:

  1. What can you do to determine where Your ideal Clients Hang Out
  2. What can you do to understand your audience's minds
  3. How do you earn respect and Reputation in your Audience
  4. What can you do to share your training with a set of potential customers who are willing to purchase your product

What Should You Do to Locate Your Perfect Audience's Spot Out

Let's say you're a consulting client of mine. You're looking to market the course that focuses on marketing Analytics.

First thing I'll state to you is that you'll have to inquire about the proper inquiry -- you have to start by asking "who are you serving" instead of "what you'd like to do". If you're in your Marketing Analytics case, you will then have to decide if you intend to focus on CMOs, Marketing Managers entrepreneurs, or new marketing entrants?

You've decided to make the choice to focus on the business owner.

If so The first thing you should do is look for "where this audience hangs out". The best way to do this is by using Google for "online lounges". Online lounges are places on the web that allow people to talk about things that are related to the subject they're keen on. These could include forums, blogs or mailing lists. How I go about it is to adhere to the following steps:

  1. Open your favorite Google as well as Bing search engine (eg. Google, Bing, Yahoo!)
  2. Find a query using one or more of these combinations:

Forum - Profession + forum

- - Profession + "topic" plus mailing list

* Profession + Blog

* Profession and a platform for industry

* Profession + subject + link-sharing website (Eg. Reddit, stumbleupon)

- Example: Entrepreneur + Marketing + forum

Right there, I get to uncover 10+ forums that I can focus on:

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There's more to it than that. Once you select a specific forum, you must go deeper and conduct another search using the preferred subject. In this example, we search for discussions revolving around marketing within reddit.com/r/entrepreneur. The thing you're trying to find is an indication of suffering or trouble with the original poster. From the initial query of"marketing," you can only find "marketing" in the subreddit. There is no luck.

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How can we improve our search to really search for discomfort? Incorporate "pain indicators" for example "help" and "advice required". Review the results. You can see that even on just the first page, there are a myriad of threads that are useful.

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1000 course sales
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1000 online course students

If you've found particular threads with LOTS of expressions of hurt, you are in the correct online club to help spread the message to the future. If you look further and study the forums, it becomes evident that certain forums are able to solve specific problems, and others do not. This could help you concentrate your marketing efforts on the places where your ideal public hangs out. This is crucial for the success of your plan.

From the above 15 minute exercise, we just got evidence that reddit.com/r/entrepreneur is a great place to promote our marketing course.

Check out other forums! I would suggest that you should find at least 10 lounges online. Blogs are also useful (especially because of its extremely vibrant discussion areas).

How do you read the minds of your audience

Now, you're faced with an overwhelming collection of threads that have clearly shown signs of pain. Let's highlight all of them and become able to know the people who are.

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first 1k course students

After you've gathered enough information and begin to spot trends in your customer base, you'll be able to identify who it is. Once you are able to recognize these patterns, you'll begin to develop a clear understanding of what your audience feels and feels about marketing overall.

The above information can see a few small trends emerging (we'll be waiting for more than 10 years to fully understand) entrepreneurs really require three things that are highly effective: a digital marketing approach with a minimal cost of capital, useful strategies for marketing specific to cities and how one can position themselves in order to draw in high-value clients.

We mentioned that earlier in our hypothetical instance, you had planned to develop an application based on Marketing Analytics. But it turns out it could be too complex (at least to be used in the Reddit online forum). The best option is to get an education that focuses on advertising budgets that are local and efficient, and also focusing on and closing clients with the highest value.

My structure of course for dealing with these kinds of pain might then start with the following:

  1. How can you use Interest Targeting on Facebook to find high-quality clients just a few cents click
  2. How do you create a Referral Machine through these Pitch scripts for your next Chamber of Commerce Event
  3. What are the needs only High-Value Clients Have

The Course's Description "How you can get high-value customers using Hyperlocal and Hyper Targeted Marketing"

If you decide to stop this particular option within Reddit, if you decide to drop that particular course within the Reddit marketplace, then I'm sure it'll gain momentum. Do you know what the method of marketing that is based on evidence can offer you?

How to build Respect and Reputation in your targeted audience

In addition to identifying problems but you also need to establish yourself as an expert at these salons.

The idea is to offer bite-sized suggestions to help you deal with these problems. By "bite-sized," I refer to everything that's 1 to 10 words, but that is practical enough for the person to use.

For example, I'd reply to those who say "haven't found FB to be beneficial" as well as "need an effective plan" by using the following formula:

"I realize that you will require an effective digital strategy considering your budget-friendly. I am surprised, however in that you believe FB ads not to be efficient. I make use of FB ads quite often within my consulting, and here's the way I suggest you carry out your targeting in order to obtain quality clicks that cost $0.40 or $0.80 per visit.

  1. ONLY employ targeted interest. Leave everything else at defaults.
  2. When using interest targeting ensure that you use more than 10 interest types, and eliminate the ones with large coverage. An excessive number of clicks for each interest can translate to high cost per click. If I wanted to target people that are looking to market with an interests with experts like Neil Patel', 'Derek Halpern' , 'Darren Rowse', etc. I'd suggest excluding Gary Vaynerchuk's influence would be too big!
  3. It is essential to make sure that your reach total is not greater than 800,000 people.
  4. Start with your exam! Make sure your test has been set for $5 per day. Don't ever make use of the option to set a lifetime budget.
  5. If your earnings exceed the $1/click threshold It is essential to remove interest that has the highest impact and then add additional "niche" interest
  6. If you are looking for ideas about "niche" passions, you can search for the best tools, influencers and even programs, and then try the concept"

If you give advice at an approach that is unassuming and with a manner that is actionable it can earn you respect and credibility within the space.

 How to distribute Your Course to an audience who is eager to purchase your Course

"Isn't it a bit untrue to post links? !" "What do I do if I'm blocked? !"

Most likely, you've experienced this idea. These are valid assertions. If you want to solve the issue the best thing you could accomplish is to use the inline link within your blog posts in conjunction with other hyperlinks that are not linked to your website. This helps drive the sense you're trying to be useful rather than a spammer. Let me give you a personal experience in which I was able to assist any experiencing difficulty with landing pages.

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By doing these 4 large, strategically-planned steps I was able to increase my site to have around 4k-5k organic visits a month. Eighty percent of those came from direct hyperlinks. Find out more about the statistics in the following article from SimilarWeb. No dollar spent on advertising or any other way.

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Give away a wealth of free, actionable worth to the world and everyone is bound to be amazed by its beauty and will love you back. I hope you achieve great success along the way!

HTML0's Kenn Costales is a growth hacker as well as an creator of online courses who enjoys discovering new methods to market items online, without having to spend a cent.

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