What exactly did Semrush did? Semrush transformed the B2B concept by launching a brand-building campaign that set records

Nov 5, 2023

We at Semrush We believe traditional B2B marketing has become outdated.

"We don't intend to restrict our efforts to what is generally regarded as B2B-oriented marketing." Says Semrush CMO Andrew Warden. "Consumer brands typically speak to us as individuals. Tech and B2B companies... It's not the way they operate," adds Olga Andrienko, Semrush's VP of Brand Marketing. "

To learn more about how Semrush is breaking through the B2B trap, we had for a deeper dive into the " My Life, My Terms" campaign.

Learn more about the show's top lessons or view the entire video on YouTube.

Name of project "My Life, My Terms" | Semrush
Participants Andrew Warden, CMO Olga Andrienko and VP of Brand
The objectives of the campaign Instead of basing their campaigns on benefits and characteristics of the product instead of focusing campaigns on the benefits and features of the product, the Semrush group wanted to drive the amount of new customers who join by changing the standard of B2B marketing by acting more as a well-known brand to users.
By featuring Gaby who is an NYC-based SEO professional who DJs at the late at night, the campaign focuses on the many methods that Semrush makes her life easier and permits her to keep enjoying life beyond all hours.
Goals • Increase the number of new users per month recurring revenue (MRR)
- Boost payments metrics
- Increase social media engagement
* Increase conversion rates from paid to trial
Timeline The entire campaign ran for about two and a half years from the time of meeting Gaby until the launch date, and the implementation.
Resources With a combination of talent from within and external agency assistance, Semrush produced roughly 400 items. These included:

- 3 main campaign videos
Video of full interview with Gaby
- Landing pages
Retargeting ads
Memes and Memes
- Banners

Alongside this it was also translated into seven different languages.
Key lessons There are always customers, ensure you are looking!
• Increase creativity in the business whenever you can.
Brand content is an effective driver for the real economy (even for B2B)

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