What is a Mastermind Group? All You Need to be aware of (2023) |

Oct 13, 2023

Mastermind groups are fantastic places to learn and grow with like-minded individuals, regardless of whether you find one or start your own. In this post we'll tell you the definition of a mastermind, share some of the advantages of a mastermind, as well as some different types of masterminds. We'll also give you some incredible examples of masterminds courtesy of our amazing Hosts!

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What exactly is a mastermind group?

    Mastermind group definition

A mastermind group is a gathering of similar-minded individuals who meet up frequently in small groups to help, encourage, and learn from one another's experiences, experiences, and ideas and hold one another accountable to well-defined goals. Though participants don't have to be from the same area group, they can perform best when the members have similar titles or roles and a common goal or intention.

The word "mastermind" came from the writer of personal development Napoleon Hill. Hill was a student in the early 1900s and studied the most successful personalities from his time, industrialists such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Charles Shwab. In his 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich Hill introduced the concept of the mastermind.

    "The mastermind can be described as the  coordination of effort and knowledge, in a spirit of peace, among two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.'" Napoleon Hill"Think and Grow Rich."

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We've seen a ton of masterminds appear in the last few decades. Although every mastermind differs, there are some things that the majority of them share in common:


  • A group of people with a shared domain of knowledge, who contribute their expertise and experiences to the table.        
  • The leader or facilitator who coordinates group activities and sessions.        
  • A set of rules as well as the guidelines that govern the conduct of a community.      
  • The HTML0 cost for membership which is high enough so members take it seriously.      
  • The willingness to gain knowledge from one another and keep one another responsible.        

Despite the name, no one in a mastermind group will possess all the solutions. It's a place that is available to learn from both success and failings. When you join a mastermind group, all members benefit from the wisdom and experience and an outside perspective that each participant can bring to the table.

The idea of mastermind groups may be familiar to you If you've been part of peer-support or accountability programs before--think of that, but using ideas, strategies, and issues exchanged among members instead of among people with differing levels of experience.

A mastermind group could be hosted online or in person, and there are lots of wonderful mastermind gathering platforms.

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What is a mastermind event?

A mastermind is typically the meeting of an in-person mastermind group or online. A good mastermind requires an actual meeting (virtual or in person) however it isn't in asynchronous fashion.

Advantages of mastermind groupings

In mastermind groups, you're interacting with others and give and receive guidance. This is also a place that allows for the natural setting of goals:

Shrink the learning curve: There is a long time required to master to be successful in things. If you're into a group of individuals who've done what that you're trying to accomplish, you can learn from their experiences. It will speed up the process for success.

Beliefs that limit you The lizard mind can be the most significant obstacle in your path to achievement. It is trying to shield yourself, but you'll find yourself saying, I can't achieve X. Being in a group of friends that challenge your restrictive assumptions can help you overcome those beliefs.

Reputation One thing is to announce that you're planning to take action to changes. But it's a different matter to be aware that the people you admire will ask whether you've followed through with the steps you committed to. That's accountability!

Be aware: It's very easy to get lost in the weeds of the day-to-day. Business owners, for instance, tend to be working on their businesses instead of working focused on their work. A mastermind can help you zoom out and see the larger picture.

Grow your network: We'll do this without the cheesy statements ("Your network is what you're net worth!") BUT if you're looking at a mastermind group, growing your network can be a major advantage.

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An example of a mastermind group at work

Dan Miller launched 48 Days to Work You Love podcast and a book. But from the success of these, he launched 48 Days Eagles, which is a private members-only group that grew into an online group that includes entrepreneurs.

"I've always looked for ways to connect people," Dan says. "I do not want people looking at me for help and instead, they should be lifting each other up in the pursuit of the goals they set for themselves. ."

With this vision that Dan has, it's no surprise that a mastermind became essential to Dan's business model. Dan created his 48 Days Eaglepreneurs Mastermind Group: an exclusive, invitation-only mastermind group for at least 30 members.

If you're reluctant to charge something to your mastermind group here's an amazing piece of wisdom from Dan who explains why the group should be a cost:

"We have a real clear connection in our culture between the cost of goods and value that we perceive. If you don't have to pay anything and isn't really worth much.

    It is essential to have at least some sort of commitment for you to be able to create the possibility of having a lively community. People who pay, take note of. When people pay, they follow what you tell them, they take action and change their lives."


What are the factors that make an effective mastermind group?

Experience: Masterminds can work at intermediate and expert level, but they're generally not suitable for complete novices (a method of group coaching is more well for novices). The group members need to be able to share experience as well as their learned expertise.

Vulnerability: A mastermind group is required to be safe and it only works by people who are vulnerable and open. Brene Brown's research on vulnerability and shame illustrates that vulnerability is the thing that creates connection. This is also true for the mastermind group you belong to. Sharing your hopes, fears, and dreams is all part of it-this is also the reason why members of mastermind groups tend to become close buddies.

Structure: Mastermind groups that are successful don't simply have free-for-alls. Effective masterminds require structure and intention behind it-and having a plan is a must.

Active listening Participants in the group must pay attention and actively engage with the person who shares, and should ask questions and give feedback.

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Consistency. Mastermind group meetings must have regular meetings over a predetermined amount of time. This helps them find an appropriate routine (both for members and the host) as well as results in transformation.

Privacy: Members are expected to be secure enough to share their vulnerabilities and be aware that the information they divulge isn't going to be released from the group.

Support: Mastermind members should be open to supporting each other by giving feedback as well as sharing connections and resources.

Mastermind Example Audio Design Live

Nathan Lively had a passion for sound engineering that was outstanding. He began a podcast in 2015-Sound Design Live, and later developed it into a community composed of sound engineers. He gave his most dedicated members a personal invite to join a mastermind group, and he interviewed them 1:1 to make sure there was a good fit. It was a fantastic mastermind network. Check out the entire account here!


What is a mastermind group does not

Most often, a mastermind team is defined by the things it isn't. Below are a few aspects that a good mastermind group shouldn't be.


  • One member monopolizing: You need to find the level of balance. Some group members may monopolize or take over. If necessary, speak to them and if they're unable to make a change think about removing the group members. The overall success of your group participants is well worth the effort.    
  • The group coach is incredible! However, a mastermind isn't really group coaching. The group coach knows the answers and also teaches the group. In a mastermind session, members have all the answers, and hosts' job is to help facilitate.    
  • Telling people what to do members are free to discuss their thoughts and experiences. Each member has the organization to decide on the goals they want to pursue and then commit to their goals.    
  • Therapy: It is possible that you can get real in an online mastermind group, however it's no substitute for medical treatment if members of the group require it.      
  • A group of networking: Networking naturally happens in a mastermind, but it shouldn't be all that's needed. If you're a leader in a group, screen potential participants to determine if they're seeking at more than just networking for personal growth.      
  • An area for complaints or judgment: Members can freely discuss their issues, but there shouldn't be a place for grumbling. The same is true for judgment. participants should not be taught to judge each other.    
  • Hierarchical: Sometimes, mastermind groups may develop a the appearance of hierarchy when certain members control the group or when a person is considered to be more accomplished. In other words, just the fact that a group of entrepreneurs includes one person who is extremely successful does not mean all members must respect that individual. Regardless of social status or success, the group needs to be a community of equals.    

how to run a mastermind

Mastermind Example - Wealth Without Wall Street

Financial advisors Russ Morgan and Joey Mure wanted to help people look at wealth creation differently, outside of investing in stocks and observing the Dow. They created a community of coaches named Wealth Without Wall Street to transform the way we think about wealth creation.

Then they have a mastermind for some of their most devoted members. What they're saying about this:
"This concept of giving groups a high-value item has really resonated. The paid content is the chance for our members to get more access to the experts in the room and also to have a more intimate conversation with other people who have real experience with these things."

Graphics wealth without wall street

How do you start a mastermind group

We have a full guide on how to start a mastermind group, so should you need a more in-depth walkthrough DEFINITELY go there!

However, here's a brief overview of the steps we recommend:


  1. Make your own tentative Big Purpose. The big Purpose is the underlying reason of any group, your visionary goal that brings people together. There is a no-cost mastermind group name generator that can generate a Big Purpose to you (and a name if you don't have one!) Check it out!    
  2. Choose your ideal members. As you can see in the above examples the majority of groups have hand-picked the members they wanted to include. Selecting the right people (or kinds of individuals) you would like to have in your group, perhaps even interviewing them, helps to create a successful foundation.    
  3. Solidify your main Purpose: Make sure your members agree on the The Big Purpose! This can be done in the very first meeting (and modify it if needed). ).    
  4. Choose an option: If you're hosting a group on the internet or want to ensure that your group is organized and discussions are going between sessions, choose an online mastermind system to hold your meetings sessions on.      
  5. Set the rules: Set and accept the guidelines for engagement of your group. Then, you can set out guidelines for the community.    
  6. Make a decision on a price: We'd suggest having the cost of membership. Read Dan Miller's quote above again. This may sound counterintuitive but the cost of membership can make your group more effective.    
  7. Pick a time: agree on how often you'll meet (and what location, if meeting virtually).    
  8. Decide a meeting structure Decide what the meetings will take on (and adhere to it). It's common for mastermind sessions to offer the opportunity for participants to bring their own question, round-table discussion, or Q&As.    
  9.         Launch!            

mastermind group

Different types of mastermind groups

There are many types of mastermind group, and they're usually organized between people who have similar lateral levels of responsibility within the company's structure, or who align to an identity. CEOs of similar businesses might gather to discuss the overall strategy, while middle managers may meet to discuss particular issues that require hands-on involvement (for instance helping employees transition away from a traditional office setting and work from home). Entrepreneurs could be part of a group that includes those who run similar companies.

Masterminds can run as ongoing events or they might be formatted as a mastermind course, session, event, or even a course that is designed to think on a specific difficulty or problem.

Here are some typical types of mastermind groups. And yes, there's a commonality between these groups:

Entrepreneurial mastermind groups: Napoleon Hill created the concept of "mastermind" after researching the top entrepreneurs of his day So it shouldn't come as surprising that many business owners are in mastermind groups (and attribute them to their accomplishments).

Masterminds for leadership: Leadership can be a lonely calling This is the reason why so many people sign up to mastermind group meetings in order to receive access to other leaders to assist them in their growth.

Career advancement masterminds Masterminds are becoming an important aspect of any career (not just entrepreneurs). Masterminds can help members be conscious of their careers and advance through sharing information.

Masterminds for personal development: Growth is difficult, but masterminds are a wonderful way to accelerate personal development.

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Masterminds of technical skills: Nathan Lively's story above shows the importance of masterminds in sharing knowledge about technology and mastering high-value capabilities.

personal finance and/or investment masterminds: Similar to Wealth Without Wall Street, thriving masterminds are built around sharing financial knowledge and growing the wealth of their members.

Masterminds for parenting: They're not as common, but parenting can be difficult. Masterminds can really help parents grow and learn together.

Where to get a mastermind team

If you're more interested joining a mastermind group rather than creating one, how do you locate the group? Here are a few suggestions for where to find a mastermind group


  • Websites like Meetup.com and Facebook's calendar of events are great locations to discover where mastermind groups take place in your local area.        
  • You can search LinkedIn for "mastermind." There is the option to sort by region OR using a modifier, you can locate a particular group (e.g. "parenting mastermind). It is important to note that this can help you locate facilitators via their LinkedIn profiles- you can follow up with them.      
  • If you are a fan of creators or thought leaders, be sure to check their websites for mastermind groups. A lot of creators run masterminds.      
  • Ask friends in your field for suggestions or suggestions.        
  • Find your local business support organizations or bulletin boards for community groups.        

If all else fails Don't be scared to begin your own! The steps we've provided above.

Do you want to create the mastermind?

We hope this guide to mastermind group activities has helped to get a better understanding of the different aspects of them. If you're looking to start your own group swiftly and efficiently, get started with Mighty!

A unified platform for members that lets you bring together communities, content, courses, commerce, and live events. Mastermind groups can be created in private spaces, easily charge to access the space, and even set meeting times with the events feature (and collect RSVPs). This is the sole software that you need to create an online mastermind group-and with our mastermind group generator, you are ready to begin inviting your first members in just 10 minutes.

Test it out for yourself! The trial is free for 14 days.

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