What Is Live Streaming? (Definition & Examples) |
The live stream (or livestreaming) has become so well-known that a third of all internet viewers watch live streams every week. It is possible to stream live and stream them on a variety of devices and platforms. And it's simpler to begin and more so than ever.
In this post this article, we'll show you what to know about live streaming.
- This article will explain the idea behind live stream streaming (including the technical aspect).
- We'll present live streaming figures as well as other significant milestones.
- The discussion will concentrate on the benefits and the examples that live stream is a viable option.
- HTML0. Then we'll explain the steps to create your own personalized live stream.
Turn a livestream into profit. Try the platform with minimum $1 million worth of users.
What exactly is live streaming?
Quick live streaming definition
Live streaming is the practice of showing the viewers live video streaming in real-time. The practice in the past was restricted to only media organizations who could live stream videos to customers.
Over the last couple of years, the live streaming has revolutionized the web and now more and more users are enjoying the live streaming service from their homes with no need for an expensive studio for television.

What exactly is live streaming... technologically
Technically, your camera outputs images that are digitally raw. But, these images are way too huge to stream smoothly. Therefore, encoders (software or hardware) minimizes the size in real-time and convert it by changing it into codecs (ie. h.264). This decreases the size of the files enough to stream in a standard process by which the devices detect it.
The video is divided into I-frames or P frames. They are also known as B-frames. I-frames perform a bit similar to a standard JPEG image. They contain a full image frame that includes each detail.
P-frames and B frames work in a different way. They are simply used to capture the portion of the video that has been altered in motion vectors through the tracking. It's a smaller file, which is simpler to compress, and more efficient to playback. When you stream a video on YouTube where the person is talking, but the background is static most of the video's resolution does not change.
- P-frames (Predictive frames) only need to encode changes and movement that occur in relation to people speaking as well as the body's movements while looking at the previous frames.
- B-frames may be better than other frames, as they could refer to prior and later frames and create a complete image.
Internet speed
Live streaming is based on the continuous stream of data. We call this bit rate, which is the amount of data that your device will stream every second.
- HD720 (HD) video requires between 2-4 of Mbps
- 1080p can be used with up to 6 Internet connections, with speeds between 4 and 6 Mbps
- The 4k speed is needed to achieve 15-25 Mbps
Live streaming is an absolute necessity. It is essential to upload at a speed to keep up with the quantity of data streaming sends.
Viewers don't require the same speed. The quality of videos decreases if a connection is not fast, or buffer (downloading up to three seconds late) to make the streaming seamless. Additionally, we use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)--this copies the video at a rapid speed to a server that is close to the user because it requires the data to be transferred over long distances.
There is no way to guarantee that a video will be live. It is a minimum that you have a 2 second delay. The term used to describe this is delay latency.
Live Statisticians streaming live
- 30% of Internet viewers live stream every week.
- The most popular live streamed video is breaking information (34 percent) and sports events that are live (29 percentage).
- 91.7 per cent of Internet viewers across the globe stream live every month.
- 50 percent of TikTok customers would like to view streams of live videos.
- Smart TVs are the most popular place to stream live streamed video (35.3 percentage of videos that are live streamed).
- 25% of all video streams online were streamed live online.
- The most extensive live streaming ever performed took 624 hours, as per Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. in China.
- The record-breaking live stream for the largest number of viewers was set by Spanish streamer Ibai who has 3.44 million people watching Twitch on the streaming channel La Velada del Ano (3).

Live streaming was the initial method to make it practical (Timeline)
The list isn't complete, however, we've provided a quick review of the latest technological advances that permit live streaming.
The early 1990s saw technology allowed "packets" that contained multimedia files, to be streamed, before being rendered for a full download.
1993 1993 1993: The MPEG-1 Standard for compressing is implemented, allowing for the use of streaming of videos
1995 1995 Starlight, a company Starlight invented the first streaming video service using satellites.
1995 - First internet radio: Radio HK.
1995 The year 1995 RealPlayer debuts, and becomes the first streaming program to become a major player. The program was later added as an option for Windows 98 installation.
1996 - 1996. The Real-time Transport Protocol is created to create a platform for the transmission of audio and video across networks.
1998- Starlight launched their first Web product designed to make conferencing easier.
1999 1999 Victoria's Secret fashion show is one of the first big live streaming shows, with an estimated 1.5 million viewers.
2002 2001 Flash Player adds video capabilities making embedding video an option.
2007 saw the launch of Justin.tv (later changed its name to Twitch) with Justin Kan in front of cameras for the entire throughout the day. The channel was later expanded to multiple channels, allowing users to watch live.
2009: Both Ustream and Live stream were launched in 2009.
The 2011-2012 timeframe is YouTube is adding live streaming to their offerings. It was launched in 2005 (fun fact: the first video was titled "Me in the Zoo"). Facebook began live streaming in the year 2015, Periscope in the year 2015, as well as Instagram in 2016.

Live streaming benefits
Live streaming has a lot of benefits.
- Super-interactive Viewers aren't limited to viewing live. However, they may make use of the technology to communicate, ask questions and provide feedback using a variety of methods.
- Complete: In contrast to edited content, where is the case with content creators, they may consider themselves obligated to edit the video however live streams aren't able to do this (at most, at in the moment). So, live streams are natural which makes them more entertaining.
- It is less time-consuming It is possible to prepare and setup However, streaming live is generally less time-consuming than producing a finished video, which might require scripting, re-shooting or editing or another editing.
- Costs for production are lower Commonly, it's a lower lift for getting going and then launching.
- Repurposing The user could modify and edit the live stream in various formats and purposes after the event. This could include making a video or a video.
- It's a sense of urgency. Live streaming may feel more significant. But, even if a person publishes a live stream after an event, having the option to view live streaming is a joy and may increase interest.
What is it that you need to stream live?
This video is a fantastic overview of this video for those who are beginning to understand live streaming!
If not, here's an review of live streaming options for the producers. .
To live stream, you need:
1. AV source
One of the great things about live streaming is there is no requirement for costly equipment. Modern smartphones have all the features needed to manage live streams.
Below are a few options you can use to select a suitable video:
- Smartphone videos: Many smartphones have the ability to create at the very least HD videos. Some smartphones can produce 4K videos. Make sure to check whether the cameras both on the front and back of your phone might be of different resolutions. Both are probably appropriate to stream live. It's the easiest way to stream live on your mobile.
- Webcam: Some software programs allow users to use the webcam built into the laptop, computer or an external camera. This is for live streaming that is done from a computer or laptop.
- Professional cameras: Proficient streamers usually use professional cameras such as DSLRs to stream live. The cameras are able to be connected to a laptop or a phone and provide you with a higher quality video as well as giving users the choice of selecting the lens you like as well as the way you feel.
It is crucial to have sound! There are a variety of options to choose from:
- Mics that are built into computers or phones (not suggested) Mics for computers and phones are too far from mouths during a live stream. They are usually poor quality recording devices. Choose any of the models that are listed below.
- The Bluetooth or wired headphones place the microphone close to your mouth, increasing the quality of your voice while also reducing background disturbance. A good headset will generally be better than the microphone on your phone.
- Lapel microphone: A lapel microphone is attached to the collar or shirt. It can capture sound closer to the mouth, resulting in better sound quality. It is wired, in addition to wireless and some of the top microphones have features such as noise cancellation.
- Mic for shotgun Shotgun microphones are placed in a position that is close to your face (often it's attached onto the top of your lens) and can shoot images in the direction your voice is going.
- Desktop condenser microphone Most streamers are currently making use of desktop condenser microphones such as Blue Yeti. Blue Yeti is a microphone that plugs directly into your computer is able to listen directly to the sound coming from your mouth.
Below are some more live streaming suggestions that will assist you to enhance your performance.

2. Software for streaming (optional)
It's not always required since you are able to stream live on all principal platforms. It is a good choice for people seeking:
- Sharing the screens of computers through slideshows, or as part of gaming.
- to use multiple cameras (ie. different angles).
- As overlays for images, chatboxes, logos or cards.
- Mixing various audio sources (e.g. music).
- In order to stream on multiple different platforms at once (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube ).
For illustration our point, we examined the streaming service StreamYard in our latest blog article about Zoom Alternatives. It performs many of the same thing.
3. A live streaming platform
The reason is simple. You require a platform for streaming like YouTube as well as Twitch.
Try this ! Mighty streams live on your phone or app on Mighty, or it could be that you have an app you are able to brand and stream on. It is easy to monetize the service and charge per stream or sign up for a membership that has streaming integrated to.

Live streaming is a great option for companies.
If you're the manager of a company you must be aware of the benefits that live streaming could offer your business. Although live streams might not look like refined or flawless version of the promotional videos you've spent your time the making of, live streamers can offer something distinctive.
As we've mentioned, it allows for a more intimate interaction between your viewers and you which is unscripted and real that is a major advantage for any business. Furthermore, live streaming has the chance of being spontaneous and surprising (in a good manner ).

Here are some additional benefits of live streaming to companies:
- Event planners can hold events in the absence of space or place Live streaming lets companies hold virtual meetings and discussions without having to be at the same place.
- Make educational possibilities Live streams are valuable in providing benefit particularly through the learning process! Businesses can use live streams (especially with the form of webinars) to help educate their customers as well as build brand awareness.
- Live viewers are able to view the stream from any location anyplace in the world is capable of viewing live streaming online with an internet connection and a gadget. The live stream brings viewers closer you and allows you to connect with your viewers.
- Profit from tickets and other sales Event organizers might develop premium digital products like live streaming for sources of income, by selling tickets and possessing the capacity to profit from these tickets.
Don't just take advantage of your live stream as an opportunity to earn money. Make your clients feel valued and offer them knowledge that inspires, motivates your viewers, and get your viewers feel included. It's the only way to add value to live streaming for your company.
We're amazed by live streaming and have included live streaming capabilities within all of our plans.
Live streaming demonstrations
There are a myriad of historical live streams. This includes:
- Michael Jackson's funeral was one of the live streams followed by the largest number of viewers on the day (2009).
- 2012 was the final time NASA live streamed Mars' Curiosity landing. It is still possible to observe regular NASA live stream and live streams on space.
- This year's gaming seasons witnessed gamers who were on Twitch played Pokemon and also received commands to them via chat. Later, it was estimated that 1.16 million users played and 55 million people watched.

They're awesome! Live streaming can be a great tool to unite individuals. Live streams are also available of our annual People Magic Summit, with notable people and prominent leaders from the local community (this year's guests included people such as Marie Forleo, Nathan Barry along with Amanda Goetz). It is possible to rewatch these sessions via our website!
Here are a few more common examples of what live streaming could appear to be:
- A Mighty Network host announces a each week in Live stream broadcast on Mondays.
- Live music is performed by a performer via IGTV and TikTok and they perform a mini concert to the viewers.
- Gamer game Roblox and Fortnight and broadcasts it to the world.
- Colleges can offer students an class online that is taught via live streaming.
- An influential thought leader speaks with an individual via LinkedIn live about an upcoming book launch.
You can find it here: 11 of the most efficient strategies to increase community engagement.
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