What is the definition of an UGC Creator? How do I best prepare to be one? 2024 |

Jun 6, 2024

In this post in this article, we'll discuss:

  • What is UGC is
  • What exactly a UGC creator does, and the reason they work in conjunction with brands
  • Illustrations of UGC creators
  • Techniques for becoming an UGC creator


What exactly is UGC?

User-generated content (or UGC) is content that is created by the users of an online platform as instead of the platform's owners. Many of the largest companies in the world depend on it (think Meta, TikTok, and YouTube), and they've made user-generated content billion-dollar value.

It is common to think of UGC as something we can do through social media sites. You'll find UGC everywhere on the web. Forums, brands, online communities, blogging websites (e.g. Medium) as well as Google Maps use UGC. When you review a restaurant on Google as well as Yelp or Yelp it's reading UGC.

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UGC can be beneficial to platforms. Actually, it's essential. If there weren't anyone on these platforms, they would fail and are useless. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter do not have any value without the users. They've been shown this through Clubhouse, a listening app which soared up to a of $4 billion in 2021 and crashed back to its roots after users slowed.

Elon Clubhouse

What exactly is the definition of an UGC Creator?

The term "UGC creator" refers to a UGC creator, also known as an UGC content creator that creates content which was created by the users. Okay, that seems straightforward.

When we think of UGC producer, it's speaking about someone who creates content for brands and is paid by the brand. But, they don't have to work for the brand. UGC creators are not employed by brands. They're not employees of brands. Individual creators are paid by brands for their new content.

This is slightly confusing. Consider UGC creators as UGC creators, similar to a freelance creator of content. A brand could tell them, "Hey , we need authentic videos showing you opening the product. Can you create them ?"

and the UGC creator can do the same... with a fee.

Actually, businesses find themselves awestruck by UGC which talks about them. Particularly when they do it in a genuine, useful manner which allows prospective buyers to learn more about the company and their products.

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UGC is in contrast with. Influencer

You might be asking you "Wait that's like"influencer marketing."

That's the way it is! There are those who believe that influencer marketing and UGC creators are different. In reality, most influencers have their own fan base and then charge corporations for their attention, whereas UGC creators get paid for creating content.

Usually, influencers are paid by companies for the amount of attention they receive from their fans. It is generally the case that UGC creators pay brands for their content creation. It's a very simple distinction.

Here are a few examples of ways in which the boundaries between these two get blurred


  • An UGC creator may receive a payment by the company for the creation of material. However, they could make money from the sale of affiliate products.
  • Micro-influencers may gain a few followers, but they could be paid for the videos for the channels of brands.
  • UGC creators may produce content free of charge or for enjoyment, but eventually the content evolves into a partnership with a name.

It's clear that the distinction between influencers and UGC creator isn't always clear-cut.

What makes brands want to collaborate to UGC creators?

UGC creators are united by most important thing every business wants authenticity. Here's why companies love UGC creators:


  • People listen. Recent studies by Sprout Social found that 49 percent of customers make their regular purchase due to the stars. Each brand requires trust and UGC content can be a fantastic method to establish trust.
  • The users give UGC with 2.4x more authenticity than media content that a company produces internally.
  • Reviews are important. Consumers rely on reviews! 75% say that they trust reviews found on the internet. UGC creators are able to participate in the process.
  • UGC content is 10 times more influence than influencer content in influencing people's purchasing choices.
  • UGC content is more likely to resonate with people. The way that people perceive the brand's image is determined by their perceptions of brands as well as being tightly linked to the way they conduct themselves.

Examples of UGC Creators

1. Apple

The hashtag #shotoniphone from Apple has been an enormous achievement for UGC creators. It has also sparked numerous spinoff hashtags. Apple often issues contests with guidelines, such as the 2022 macro challenge that included judges like Anand Varma, Apeksha Maker, Peter McKinnon.

2. L'oreal Pro

L'oreal creates UGC through the launch of hashtag campaigns such as #LorealPro. Though they don't pay directly UGC creators, those winners get publicity to their company on L'oreal's channels. L'oreal.

Loreal Short UGC

3. Adobe

Adobe is one of the most programmers for creativity in the world which is why it's no surprise to see that they have UGC all over their channels - creatives who've used their tools to produce amazing products. The majority of them use hashtags such as #createdwithphotoshop.

Adobe - UGC

4. LinkedIn

LinkedIn utilizes an abundance of UGC creators through its social network, and uses them to post things such as walksthroughs of products, announcements and even job motivation. The sharing of content could be from creators and at sometimes it appears to be just UGC collaborations.

LinkedIn UGC 2

5. Home Depot

Home Depot often features works of UGC content creators who are passionate about the home renovations.

As an example look at this heart-warming blog post by @firstgenhouse who is currently renovating her bedroom at the home of her mother-in-law. Home Depot's UGC is undoubtedly a the best in UGC production because it mixes its own brand with amazing stories as in addition to "how-to" tutorials that users like to read.

Home Depot - UGC creators

5. ConvertKit

ConvertKit is doing some interesting UGC creation work through sponsored partnerships. They are showcasing those using ConvertKit's software control their email newsletters or business.

ConvertKit UGC

Techniques for becoming an UGC creator

There's no one way to get a job as an UGC creator. This is a rapidly evolving field, and you'll have to determine the best solution for your needs. However, as a general rule, here are a few items you can consider prioritizing.

1. Find your content edge

Each UGC creator needs to find their voice, an approach to creating content that fits you. This is:


  • Locating a CMS to create content that you are familiar with and how to use.
  • Discover the type of content you love creating-images video, posts, written content and more.
  • What are the topics you'd like to talk about.

Every creator is unique and each audience is different and therefore it is important to guide from who that you're. One of our most loved story is Martinus Evans. Martinus Evans created an account on Instagram as 300poudsandrunning to celebrate of his progress towards becoming an "Slow Af" runner.

Martinus The energy of the man and his story resonated, and he's cultivated a fan base of "back of the trails" racers.

Martinus Instagram

What you require is. Your values and voice as well as some experience when it comes to creating content.

2. Develop a portfolio

If you are able to write content, you could make a portfolio is available to companies. It could be a professional, well-designed and professionally designed collection of articles or even a website. You could also have one article that is viral, and then be incorporated into your company's DMs using the.

"Hey I'd love to design an article for THE BRAND which appears like this. Do you know how to create it? It could happen ?"

How you go about it is entirely up to you. any brand who is willing to partner with you must at the very least be able to prove that it is possible to make great materials.

3. Make connections

One of the most effective methods to be a UGC creator is to build connections. The employees at each major company are that... people. The more you understand, the more opportunities you'll discover. Be on their radar! Find out who they are and the projects they're working on.

Below are a few tips for building the correct kind of relations with the companies you do business with:


  • Engage in discussion and comment on your posts. This could be the simplest way to engage with your company and could be beneficial. People notice brands when they are in contact with them.
  • Produce content on a daily basis. When people create great material about our company and we notice it! We then post it on our company Slack: "Hey, look at the nice things this person is saying !"
  • Message people directly. Beware of sending out spam messages to people. This will cause you to be blocked. A nice email or email directly to someone that is part of a brand's development and marketing strategy won't harm.
  • Take part in conference. If you're trying to build crucial contacts, the right event or conference could be a great method to start building your network.

In the end, at the final point the way you establish relationships will be up to you. Brands cannot however cooperate with you as a UGC maker if they do not recognize who you are.

4. Discover what brand names are currently looking for.

Influencers who are aspiring to become influencers typically have difficulty knowing what the brands actually desire and require. This is the same from UGC creators too.

For a perfect illustration of this, do you recall the story from 2018 about an hotel which had banning influencers? The hotel was approached by a blogger to inquire about a space to stay for an Dublin stay, and The White Moose Hotel was awarded the on the internet with its hilarious comments.

Then, they announced that the bloggers would be banned from staying there.

White moose bloggergate

It's crucial for prospective UGC creators and influencers to think about what the ultimate goal of an organization from this relationship?

Usually, it's:


  • Exposure
  • Making it easier for people to grasp a product
  • Positive reviews
  • The risk of having a low PR

It's not difficult. Consider your contribution to the equation and ensure you understand what you can do to offer the value to an organisation. If you don't, it's not likely to succeed.

5. Pitch

This is a glimpse of Mighty's crew during any day of the week. It's busy! We've got a lot of balls in the air, and we might not search for prospective partners for our material.

If you're waiting on the attention of a company, you might wait long. What's the purpose behind making a pitch?

Here are some easy suggestions:


  • Pick your brands with care. Don't shotgun pitches to all kinds of brands that are available. Select a handful of brands that match the content you like to produce.
  • Learn about these individuals. What do they are currently working on? What is the brand's current approach? UGC pitching should be part of something they are making or need to make.
  • Develop a value-added pitch. If you're creating a pitch, be clear about what it is you are offering and how will deliver it as well as the amount that you'll charge. (You might even develop an example of the kind of content the company might expect. )


I hope this article helps you consider what UGC content that could benefit your brand or the one that you manage. If executed properly, successful UGC collaborations with creators could yield benefits for all. You must learn the art of creating content prior to beginning. Also, ensure that you understand the requirements from each UGC collaboration.

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