Which Social Media Networks Are Right for Your Brand?

Nov 10, 2022

If you're new to the realm of eCommerce it's likely sure that you've considered creating one or more social media accounts for your business. Social media evolves like winds, so if you believe that a Facebook page suffices for reaching your potential customers... you're wrong, you might be in for a surprise.

The possibilities are constantly expanding. Each network has their own advantages and pitfalls as well as the rules to be followed.

This week, we'll examine the best way to determine what social media platform is appropriate for the promotion of your eCommerce company. We'll discuss why it's important to choose carefully, as well as a close examination of important platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest along with other platforms so you'll know whether they're a good fit for you.

Important to choose the right network

For a shop owner, your time is precious. There are plenty of other things you have to do with social media, without adding it to the mix. However, since it's now an integral part of an effective marketing strategy and you're expected to be there by customers It's now a must for your company.

There's not a rule that requires you to maintain a presence on each and every social media site However. In fact, for some stores, it is considered to be a waste of time to have an account on Pinterest account or LinkedIn profile because people who visit their sites don't use these apps or websites. And wasting time is something you absolutely need to keep away from, since it distracts focus on actions that bring the highest amounts of cash.

It's important to select the best social media platforms for your organization. Picking the platforms where there is the highest chances of connecting to the people you want to reach, or perhaps your customers already, means you'll waste less time , and also earn greater profits. There's no need to battle as hard to see the results you want. Think of it as picking the "path that has the least resistance" which is where you take a route that requires you to put in minimum effort to see the most benefit?

By evaluating each network carefully in order to select the most suitable one for you-- where you have your current customers, and where your business fits best -- you'll be able to make the most of your time , and make sure that the results of your efforts will be a return on investment. To help you decide there are a few things to think about for every important social media platform starting with who is using each to what kinds of content can be made successful.

Facebook is the perfect platform to target advertising of your products

Facebook demographics. (Image credit: Pew Research Center)
Facebook demographics. (Image credit: Pew Research Center)

Since the beginning of the year, Facebook has slowly reduced the reach of its organic pages. The result is a drastic reduction in the amount of exposure their posts receive through the News Feed and is which has caused so much anger that Facebook required an FAQ on the subject. Some reports estimate that the majority of organic brand posts can now be seen by only 2percent of their followers. It means that there are fewer views, fewer clicks, and far less revenue from the products or content you publish in your Page.

It doesn't mean you must give up Facebook, however. If you've built up your Page with a lot of likes or you're noticing that your page growing at a steady clip You can definitely profit from this fan base. The best method to accomplish this is to use .

Now that Facebook isn't reliable anymore for delivering even your most interesting products and news content to customers, the best usage of this platform is to provide your most important news through pay-per-click. This might mean boosting a post on your website or, in other words the process of paying for it to be pushed to News Feeds. Or it might mean specifically targeting website visitors by displaying an advertisement that encourages them to return to your website so they don't miss out on an opportunity to earn money.

An example of a Facebook ad.
An example of an Facebook advertisement.

The great thing about this type of Facebook use is it means that every brand is able to do it and have a similar possibility of achievement. Additionally, posts that are boosted as well as remarketing advertisements are displayed to fans who are already fans or who have been to your site, or visited it which means they're targeted and relevant content -- much more relevant than an ad displayed to someone who's not heard of your company prior to now.

One of the drawbacks, is that you have to cover the cost of advertising. However, with the correct information, the ads could perform very well and could earn you a lot of revenue.

Twitter is the best choice for creative content, conversations and social interaction

19% of the entire adult populace is currently using Twitter According to Pew research, and most people are younger than 50. Twitter, which restricts the length of your tweets to 140 characters, is widely used by companies, if not because the majority of their clients utilize Twitter. However, does every company have to have a presence on Twitter? Are certain businesses able to achieve better results here more than others?

In contrast to specific types of brands finding success with Twitter, it appears that certain types of content influence how effective you will be on the social network. A study showed that videos outperformed images as well as links to tutorials as well as list blog posts outperformed all others by the quantity of retweets, and those who shared quotes received an increase of 43% in followers over the ones who didn't.

You'll get more RTs if your links lead to interesting content. (Image source: Quick Sprout)
You'll receive higher RTs when your links point to content that is interesting. (Image Source: Quick Sprout)

If your eCommerce company -- regardless of what it is you actually sell Tweets about interesting content, posts pictures, and sometimes provides motivational quotes (provided they are related that is related to your company, that is) It appears that you be more likely to receiving clicks, retweets and followers than brands who don't do any of these.

In all honesty, Twitter is really the ideal platform for companies to start conversations with its clients. Since the platform is popular and accessible as well as it takes much less time to create tweets than email, you're likely to receive questions, comments, and criticisms here. If you can respond swiftly and in a timely manner, research shows that this positive experience can encourage more sales. Prepare yourself to monitor the comments and then respond accordingly!

Pinterest is perfect for beauty, food and fashion brand

Pinterest The social network, which lets you search for images, find, and save "creative concepts" through pins, continues to grow every year. The latest statistics reveal that about 28% of adult Internet users are using this website.

The numbers may not be impressive in its own right, but what's really significant regarding Pinterest is the demographic that makes use of it. According to the eMarketer, 85% of Pinterest's total audience is composed of women.

Pinterest has a mostly female audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)
Pinterest has a primarily women-oriented audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)

Last but not least, take a look at this Millward Brown study and find that Pinterest users -- 87 percent of whom have bought products they came across on the site! -- say they use the site to find products to buy from five main categories: food, home decor, clothing/accessories, hair/beauty, and health/fitness.

Caption. (Image credit: Millward Brown)
Pinterest is believed to drive the more research-related pins as well as later purchases within these categories. (Image source: Millward Brown)

What do these mean for your company? The answer is, if your online shop sells products from any of the five categories mentioned above You're likely to find that Pinterest is a natural match for your brand. People are more likely to discover and repin images from these categories with an intention of buying, therefore when the images you're sharing are unique and attractive it is possible to make more purchases through Pinterest over any other platform.

Instagram: best for brands with appealing physical items

Almost 50% of Instagram's 300 million monthly active users are active on the platform every day according to latest research on this growing image-centric social media platform. Its widespread use by users, simple system for publishing photos, and the fact that it is a great platform for companies and brands -- all posts are ever filtered, hidden, or shown out of order in your feed -- make it an ideal pick for many eCommerce companies.

Instagram works best for those with a wide variety of products that lend themselves to photographs.
Instagram is best suited to those who have a variety of things that are suited to photography.

LinkedIn is suitable for business news, culture as well as for advancing your career

LinkedIn is currently utilized by roughly 28% of all adult users. It's the only social network that has users who are most likely to be aged between 30 and 64 over those who are in the 18-29 range It's mainly used by those who are students at college.

The LinkedIn network can be a challenge for businesses. As the vast majority of people use LinkedIn to do things related to their careers like connecting with their colleagues or locating jobs sometimes reading articles -- anything that's not directly associated with your business may fall flat. LinkedIn's Company Pages can be designed to attract job seekers and those interested in the brand you represent, therefore it's the only time when it's beneficial to talk about your personal brand frequently.

Our LinkedIn page.
This is our LinkedIn Page.

Because of this, LinkedIn is best used for its purpose of attracting users to your organization from a business standpoint. There is a good chance that people would follow you on LinkedIn in order to purchase from you. They tend to be following you because they wish to be employed by your business, or do business with you in a different manner. Posting company news, information on your environment, or even sharing open positions will help create the right image here.

Niche networks like Vine, Snapchat, and Meerkat Take care when using these networks

It's simple to get involved in social media trends. With every new and promising platform, you're likely to be interested and excited to test each hot new app for your own use. However, before you send pictures to customers or streaming live videos on your website for users, think carefully about the long-term benefits of each of these emerging or small-scale networks.

An important aspect you should especially be aware of is that the newest social networks often emerge without any branding guidelines, standards, or options. Since they're designed with the user in mind, and not businesses brands, features that are brand-related tend to be introduced much later, which could limit you're doing, or put an abrupt end to an opportunity to earn new revenue you've relied on for years.

Like we've stated before, your time is precious. Do not invest in a social media network simply because it sounds cool or is popular. Invest in one that you know your audience will be drawn to, which has established expectations for brands, and has clear long-term benefits for your company, like increased revenue or easier communication with clients.

How do you choose the right networks for you

Choosing the right social media platforms on which you can promote your eCommerce business can be tricky. When you start, you might be fearful that you'll be investing lots of time with little or no return, or spending money on advertising that doesn't result in purchases. But by doing your research beforehand and knowing what each platform has to offer You stand a much better likelihood of achieving success on social than a brand that signs up for every option under the sun.

This post should hopefully help you make the right choices. this article have provided you with the best starting point to selecting the best way to start your social media profile.

If you have any additional concerns about choosing the best network for your company Contact us via the comments.