Why and how to do the research on customers for digital products? |

Aug 8, 2023

The contemporary consumer wants a brand that understands them on a personal level. Here are the steps to ensuring that your brand and products do just that.

Consider the date you had on a date that went really well.

It felt as if someone else 'got' you, right?

Like, prior to talking, the person was aware of what you were thinking and was on the same with you. They were in sync with your wants and desires from the relationship.

Now, think about your last interaction with a company you truly love.

It was probably a similar experience. They were able to anticipate your requirements and provide solutions prior to you asked. They also made sure that you had an as smooth and seamless experience as feasible from the time you found them to today.

There are times when competitors may offer you cheaper offers, but if you're similar to 70% of consumers , the price point will not be enough to earn your favor and cause customers to abandon your trusted company.

No, you, as happens with three out of four customers  would be willing to spend more for a company that's delivered consistent excellence over the course of time.

Are you wondering how to create that same sense of loyality with your customers? Worried that it might be something that's only known to the business elite?

Then take heart, because this isn't the case.

It all comes down to knowing your customer better than the competition and this is much simpler than you think.

We'll discuss the best ways to conduct effective customer research on a shoestring budget. However, before we get into the details, let's look at the stakes.

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Why effective customer research sets firms from the competition

Have you heard of the phrase "it's an e-commerce market"?

Typically used to describe jobs and real estate the market becomes more buyer-centric in the event that the demand outweighs the demand of the product. When these markets are in place, it's the buyer instead of the company, that has their pick from the many.

After all, approximately 380 new websites are created every hour. There's a lot of rivals competing for your customers' attention. However, while that might sound daunting however, it's actually an excellent idea.

For consumers, it means consumers don't have to deal with poor customer service and products that aren't up to par. Business owners, it means they can set themselves above the ocean of competition by delivering more enticing, more seamless interactions and interaction with their customers.

If you can stand out with more interaction, clients are eager to advocate for you , whether they're in the B2B or B2C crowd.

As the graph above indicates, it's not a mark many businesses succeed to hit.

B2C companies are more successful than the B2B sector, but still -- 47% of consumers say brands could do better in engaging customers.

In either case, it shows a huge gap between expectations from customers and the experiences they receive, and it's a gap that can only be mended with efficient customer research.

Do you really come up with a different solution to meet these demands without understanding the person who are behind these demands?

74% of consumers wish to be treated as people and not just niches.

33% of customers believe that a company must anticipate their needs before they can.

70% of your audience is looking for personalization in your marketing messages to cater to them and just those who are.

This isn't a solitary statistic for customers from the United States, by the manner, even though they're most impressive across the U.S.

72% of the people within the UK indicate they won't consider a brand unless they demonstrate that they understand and value the customers in a person-to-person way.

What's the bottom line?

Wherever they are the customers don't like firms that treat them the same way as regular invoices.

They want you to be able to comprehend their feelings, sympathize with them to develop products and services which meet their requirements as individuals.

The only way to do that is to dig in deeply and conduct your research regarding your potential audience.

If you do this, you'll be in the crowd.

Skip it and you'll blend with the crowd.

To begin it's possible to use a number of ways to research your market, but there's one that you can't ignore.

(The first, obviously.)

#1. Record your research and goals for marketing right from the beginning

The process of recording your goals might seem as an unnecessary step but it's the underlying principle of your investigation even though different research techniques can be mixed and match to suit your fancy This one must be your first.


Two main reasons.

The first is a study in 2005 looking at the connection with goal-setting and if those goals had been not written down. For groups who had written down their goals, versus those who kept it inside their heads, the rise was notable.

Check it out:

The other reason behind setting and capturing your objectives is less research and more about conserving your time and resources.

If you are aware of the goals you have in mind then you can cut out the unnecessary and narrow in to the essential details you require to understand the audience you're targeting and their needs.

While if your goals are unfocused, it's more likely to spend time and money trying to filter out the plethora of data you'll come across when you conduct your research.

It's not just a supposition in any method.

The process of establishing and capturing your objectives, process study, as well as methods that result from them are crucial to a contemporary product's effectiveness. Marketers who set goals are 429% more likely to report success over those who abandon their objectives to chance.

That's probably the reason that, among companies that hire marketers  that the most important abilities that prospective employees could demonstrate is managing projects, data analysis, as well as the capability to draw insight from customer information.

In terms of how you can set these goals, the Framework for SMART continues to be the most popular method of framing and testing your goals.

If you've not had the chance to hear about it Here's how it breaks down:

Let's run through a quick illustration.

Say that your starting goal is to understand your customers. While that meets the primary metric of specificity -- it's not measurable, time-based, or achievable without more details.

If you go back to drawing a new plan, you might amend the goal you have set to be something like this:

You'll understand your audience's main three issues using digital products on marketing before creating your latest ebook.

This is a great idea because it allows us to:

Find out what we're seeking when conducting our studies.

Find the connection of the research to the need of the business

Select a time frame for the completion of the task.

Quantify the data meaningfully in order to develop new products

This all answers questions posed to the SMART system through providing specificity as well as measurability, accuracy, relevancy, and time constraints.

If you're more interested in a visually-oriented approach, the graphic below is a great overview of the individual sections and things to think about when you are mulling over your goals.

It's all good. After you're equipped with your goals and understand why customer research is so vital, it's time to take the next step.

Monitoring competitors' products.

#2. Look up product reviews in order to get high-level summaries

Here's what I mean.

If you're interested in learning more about the people who will benefit from these books, look to existing products in the marketplaces. Specifically, look at products that excel in the same area to gather important quantitative data .

These are reviews for a book with excellent ratings on Amazon, UX Strategy: How to Devise new and innovative Digital products that people want . At a glance, see if you notice any themes in these reviews.

Here's what I noticed:

Every review mentions how accessible it is to those who are new.

Two out of three of the reviews focus on how illustrations and examples relate to actual situations.

Each review gives the nod at the depth of the text and also the depth of the concepts within it.

On this basis, I might guess that the audience of a book like this would be looking for something easily accessible for readers who are new and relates ideas to actual instances, and has a lot of detail.

Let's see how it is able to stand up when I try out another book that is in the same vein with a equivalent number of reviews. The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded edition .

From these reviews, we could be able to observe:

Many customers have expressed their displeasure with the publication's layout and organizational. Several users highlight its poor (if ironically so) layout choices that could indicate issues with organization that are not well-known to newcomers.

While the book's first reviews focused on the author's use of practical examples and insights, the reviewers weren't as receptive to the same in this product.

The lack of attention to detail damaged the author's credibility in the eyes of customers.

The third point is particularly intriguing because it offers us an an opportunity to dive further -- provided it is in line with the goals we have set and compare various products. Which book did well while the other did not?

Furthermore what can we do to assure that our products are at the correct end of the broad spectrum?

In this moment, we don't have enough information to start generating any materials because all our information is only interpretative, however we've got a clear idea of what we should look out for while putting together our products and is a fantastic addition the time we find quantifiable data.

Which is, incidentally the next thing we'll be doing.

They will help you to connect to people and understand your customers' needs by analysing the amount of traffic and click-through rate (CTR) of keywords.

The company has created a graph that displays how they rank against other SEO software , and while anyone recommending themselves should generally be taken with a grain of salt, I can corroborate my experiences with all of these tools and their respective ratings.

Then, why do you think keyword research is a great technique to gather customer information?

The volume of interest tells you how many people are interested in this topic The way you phrase it will tell you what they are searching for in different phases of their buying journey. the most common questions they ask about the topic, and the type of content that appeals to them.

However, in the meantime, there are two things that you should keep in mind with the research of keywords:

Volume isn't an accurate metric to measure actual SEO however it's useful for customer data because it lets you know how customers browse for the things they are looking for.

Keywords are then searched for and filter according to the purpose of the person who is searching. The Rankbrain  The AI that is responsible for making decisions about intent, is quite good at what it does and is better than human beings which is why you should put stock in its suggestions.

Rankbrain is a trustworthy source of data because it measures keywords the same way we were measuring reviews. based on the satisfaction of the user .

So marrying its suggestions and the information we gleaned from product reviews provides the best of both -- organic and inorganic -mind.

The combination of your qualitative knowledge using Rankbrain's quantifiable insights isn't just a simple method of working, but by that, it's an effective form of marketing that relies on data.

One that achieves two of the top goals that is giving you the capability to make better decisions based on information and enhancing the accuracy of data that professional marketers need.

No matter what instrument you employ, however it is important to look for patterns in the data. You can then draw conclusions by analyzing the information that you have gathered during the earlier stage.

For example, users are consistently looking for free solutions to the problems you're trying solve, and expressed their displeasure with the cost in reviews of products, then the market may not be lucrative enough for you or it could require you to overcome more objections to get customers to buy.

In contrast, if they're always searching for easy solutions, and highly rated competitor products to make their lives easier there's the opportunity to supply the same solution with a small cost and with a thoughtfully designed product that meets their needs.

Of course, there's only one way to guarantee your marriage of quantitative and qualitative data are a match created in heaven after having made them work by following this one last suggestion.

#4. Use surveys and real conversations to conclude the process

Everything we've done to now is about building and validating assumptions.

This final step However, it's about taking them apart and challenging them.

In simple terms, if want to go deeper into the study of your audience and you ought to -- there's no substitute for having real-time conversations and interaction with people.

Surveys, fortunately, take some of the stress off by collecting all the information for you and are one of the easier and more valuable ways to conduct these interactions.

The tech companies understand this better than most. Based on Research Now, now Dynata  is 76% of technology companies report that insights gleaned from surveys studies were very or extremely beneficial to their work.

They're also great for conducting research with customers before creation, either.

The use of surveys and polls is recommended by experts to keep customer engagement high after you launch as well.

It shows that you are concerned.

They can provide insight which no other kind of research can.

Just asking for feedback can make your customers more likely to stay committed to your company.

Other important positives from using surveys to conduct market research are the capacity to measure consumer sentiment, create lead-generating original research, and measure the market need to your goods.

Just make sure that the surveys you conduct are brief and to the point. As a best practice, the survey you conduct to conduct market research must take not more than fifteen minutes  And the more concise you can make it your survey, the more likely you are to see people fill out your survey.

Even better, if really want to take your study to the next level and get higher completion rates, you shouldn't submit surveys via email.

Participate in person or over a web meeting. The average response rate for surveys conducted in person nearly double the response rate for email and online surveys.

It's advantageous for several reasons, but perhaps most important is through webcams or even in person it will allow you to pick up on cues you'd otherwise miss in a static online survey.

After all, just 7 percent of all communication comes from real words used. Other 93% of communication comes via nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body language and voice tone.

Additionally, by meeting people face-to–face, you'll get the chance to delve deep into their issues and emotions than an response box could allow.

In addition, the more in-depth you get, the closer you'll be in understanding your clients as people -- which is, as you'll remember -- is no lower than what the contemporary buyer wants.

So research them and then talk to them.

There's no other way to satisfy their -- and your business -requirements.

It's not an easy road but a worthwhile one

Knowing your customer is the key to building an enterprise that stands out from the competition and delivers better experience for customers.

Although it's certainly not a quick process, it's not difficult, either.

The process is fairly simple In reality, they are:

Set out your goals by deciphering them and documenting them. This is a crucial step greater than what people usually believe it is.

Look at product reviews from competitors to identify the themes and feelings surrounding your prospective customers.

Use search engine research to discover the things people are looking for in your field and how they look for it.

Utilize surveys to discover why people are looking for the identical factors. The more specific information received from your customers the more valuable.

It's even better if you make it even more enjoyable by incorporating authentic conversations. There will be more insight and higher rates of response, and will be much more close to getting to know your customer.

Sounds easy, right?

It's true, which makes it an interesting question why so many companies don't make use of consumer research.

However, their chance to win is their loss.


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