Why instructional videos are a crucial factor in the world of the

Jul 1, 2023

It's getting more and more difficult to persuade attendees to go to occasions, in person or on the web. If your landing page's advertisements or emails, as well as social media content aren't bringing attendees to sign-up in the amount you'd like to, it might be an ideal time to look at methods to make use of videos to draw attention and interest in your events.

Video tutorials can help your guests appreciate the importance of your occasion. Instead of a landing page filled with information about the event Send some entertaining videos that target those who you would like to contact. You can use videos to spark people's curiosity about the topics that you're planning to discuss in your celebration, introduce information about the venue, and respond to questions that are frequently asked as well as highlight your event's significance with a narrative video.

Beginning to generate the excitement for your event in the early stages isn't easy, however it's much less difficult to sustain enthusiasm once the date is set. The majority of events that are virtual tend to have a non-show rate at 35 percent. To encourage guests to sign up for your event you'll require a successful marketing plan that excites and enthuses participants.

In this blog, we'll discuss ideas and instances of instructional videos that will aid you in creating events that promote marketing strategies that can trigger FOMO.

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What exactly is an instructional video?

Five suggestions for pre-event instructions videos

Video clips prior to the event can establish expectations for attendees, hypnotize participants and help in assisting attendees to find the venue. Additionally, 47% of marketers think that interactive content is among the most effective methods for generating leads.

Are you looking for ideas to begin creating excitement for the coming celebration? Five suggestions to generate enthusiasm using tutorial videos that you can use for your event's pre-event.

The walk-through to the venue of the ceremony

The videos you've made for your event ought to bring excitement. A brief description of the venue of your event can help make people aware of the coming program. It also gives those who've never attended the event an anxiety and be able to register.

Brian Cole, the founder and chief executive officer at the Edgefactory, the producer of creative work Edgefactory, describes how event venue walkthrough videos could form the basis of a series designed to help participants prepare to attend the event.

"This video might include pictures of the place where the event will be held within for the purpose of helping in encouraging people in traveling, important information that provide information to participants and encourage them to take part, and the call to action to attend the conference," he says.

"Then we create additional videos, such as video explanations that show the process of registering and ways to download and utilize an app for events, as well as a list of top five things you should know before going to the event."

In the United Kingdom, for instance, the conference on marketing Atomicon presented an introduction video which gives the potential attendees an overview of the venue, its atmosphere and all the activities. The message for attendees is to act in order to increase the quality of sales.

Live FAQ

Are you always receiving the same requests regarding your event? Create a live FAQ for attendees to be able to inquire in real-time. Provide details on what attendees can expect from the meeting and what they can expect to learn about the reasons why they should go along and when it is scheduled to commence.

It's simple to make an informative and engaging Q&A with video. Once you've completed recording your session, you'll be able to modify the footage, after which you can create an editable template and upload them to the channels you like.

Screen recordings of the program walkthrough

Interactive maps

It is important to inform guests about the location of the main stage will be for the keynote speakers? and where the after-party will be?

If you're planning to host a big outdoor event, a interactive map might assist attendees with the route as they reach it.

Video infographic

An animated infographic or an instructional video is a way to explain the strategies of your day's program.

The event organizer can make use of animations to show attendees the ways they can select and arrange diverse types of events. Utilize infographics in order to explain the purpose behind the event.

Live event ideas: Four options tutorial videos

The process of planning the event is fraught by uncertainties. The registration process is just two steps away making the registration process difficult to imagine. While thousands of participants could have registered to participate in the online event, there's no guarantee of participation until the time of kickoff and the login.

In addition, how do you ensure that your visitors are interested in your online celebration?

Marketers have to draw the attention of guests in a way that shows the attendees that this conference is not just an opportunity to learn of new subjects, but also an opportunity to interact with the speakers and having a chat with your colleagues.

Keep your on-site and in-person guests engaged throughout your celebration by using these educational videos.


Demonstration videos could be the best option in cases where you need to showcase a product in its application. They typically make use of original footage to demonstrate an item through test or unboxings. The video could also include a person explaining how to utilize the functions of the item.

In the case of events, demo video could be shown in a keynote speech or as an advertising break.


In the course of the event, speakers may provide a video tutorial. This video might teach the audience a new skill like using a specific feature of the product.

Or, it could be a masterclass led by somebody who describes how they arrived at a particular end-product.

Screen capture tutorial videos

Screen recording is an growing aspect of marketing. By 2022, 57 % of video marketers created screen-recorded videos.

It's not a surprise that videos that are popular and well-known are an efficient way of showing instead of telling viewers. It's important to edit the videos properly to ensure that they're authentic and professional as opposed to those that look amateur. If your gathering is centered with the most current technological developments Screen-based videos can be an excellent opportunity to show different functions as well as use-cases.

Live stream Interactive sessions

Are you looking to allow your guests who aren't from your area to be able to join in your live events as well? Make live-streaming interactive sessions that permit everyone to participate. If you're hosting a live session that includes speakers, you'll want to use a live vote and questions and answers live or during networking events where attendees are encouraged to be on the internet and physically present to be part of the discussion.

7 Tips for Post-Event Marketing videos

The most engaging information from the event will be available even after the event is over. Event content that is top-quality, comprising speakers, topics and even the sessions, have the capacity to keep attendees interested for long until the next event. Event organizers should be looking to build an image of their brand by using the same events that are always pertinent to the event, so that attendees want to return to the next event.

You don't have to stick with a traditional highlight of your event to let your viewers develop through these ideas for web-based use.

Videos on the key lessons

After the event, it is possible to provide a brief summary to help attendees remember important lessons learned from the event or day.

Brian Cole of Edgefactory explains why it is important to create videos that recap your event running for the course of the event. This is even after everyone has left.

"After the event, we will provide an overview of events that were taking place at the time, as well as interviews with key opinion leaders who attended the event as well as sponsors. and even those who were present at the event, who thanked those who attended," he says.

"This allows viewers to retain what they have learned from the event, which brings back the importance of the event and also gets participants excited for the next one" He adds.

Brian's agent, Edgefactory, recently produced the highlight film to announce 2023's Quest SKO IT operations and cybersecurity conference. The host speaks with participants as well as speakers and attendees about their reasons for attending along with their most memorable impressions and lessons during the conference.

Event recap video

Videos that tell attendees of the amazing event they experienced at the event, and also urge attendees to get enthusiastic about the next event.

Additionally, they are a good option to reuse your old videos in order to expand the reach you can share your content with through social media platforms. Recap videos can include various types of content, including testimonials, highlights of events as well as plans for how they will use in the near future.

Lori Hall, co-founder and director of creativity of Multicultural Marketing Agency Pop'N Creative describes how the recap video of the event can aid in expanding the reach of the event, which was a single-event jointly with Hulu as well as Hulu which is located at New Orleans.

"We made a short video to guide customers through details of the experience. Hulu published a short overview of the day's activities on their social media accounts. This allowed them to keep track of the amount of impressions they received through their social media profiles, and then increase the number of views," she says.

"The Rink @ The Hulu Motel has a social reach of 8.1M that was boosted by the stars, celebs and celebrities who have shared their personal experiences of The Rink at The Hulu Motel on their social media."

The audio recording of speakers

Have you attended an event at which you learned something interesting and then forgot about it after a few days? It's happened to all of us. In order to help attendees apply their new knowledge following the conference assist them by providing on-demand recording of the speaker.

Send a link to the audio recordings of your speaker by sending a follow-up message a couple of days after the event. It will be simple to help them find what they're searching to find through organizing the recorded material into chapters. Then, follow up with a transcript written.

After Semrush's Global Marketing Day, the firm uploaded the audio recorded presentations of their keynote speakers on their site. Anyone who visits their website is able to view these recorded talks for cost.

Screenshot from SEMrush event on demand page

Interactive video quiz

Make your next gathering more gamified by giving participants an opportunity to win prizes as well as show their abilities through a tests based on video.

The quiz could take place in the wake of the keynote address or at the end of an entire event, or as asynchronous exam following the event is complete.

Create personalized videos

Instead of handing out a typical message that contains every aspect of your event, make a custom video. Display your face, express gratitude to guests for their presence and tell them about your most memorable moments from your event.

Training videos

80percent of attendees attend online events solely to learn reasons. You should tap into the enthusiasm of learners by sharing instructional videos after the event. Based on the speeches of your key speakers, you can to write a summary of suggestions that can help you implement top practices and learns.

You can also ask your presenters to create brief 10 minutes online training classes loosely based on the content they have presented.

Follow-up Q&A

Participants can ask questions before the Q&A session or have participants ask questions on the spot.

Online course bundle

Make your event an online series of courses. This is a great way to make sure the program doesn't go unnoticed. This is also a method to ensure that those that aren't taking part in the celebration are also engaged.

You can offer your course for a single payment or be the base of a membership that runs per month. Course videos can also generate the awareness of your brand for upcoming activities in addition to entice participants to sign up.

Start creating your own instructional video today.

videos that teach you will help you promote the events at each stage of your marketing campaign. They're a great way to create anticipation, engage attendees, and entice potential attendees to sign up. One of the key aspects in creating instructional videos that work is to get your viewers' attention and present information that will engage and educate your audience.

Do you want to boost the online presence of your event to an even higher level?

Instruction video for marketing events FAQ

How can you create an excellent promotional video for any special event?

A properly-crafted promotional video is intended to serve as a sneak preview of the event as well as create enthusiasm among those who are interested in attending. The most effective way to build enthusiasm is to announce your program using walksthrough videos, sneak peeks, and highlights of previous versions. The videos you choose to use to advertise your event must be brief and simple, to ensure that you leave viewers wanting more. What are the advantages of event-related videos?

Video is one of the most efficient methods to allow people to see the reality of the event. Make use of your video for advertising to create excitement prior to the event and create anticipation for participants as well as boost the effect after the event has ended. What factors should I consider when creating a video for promoting an event?

If you're planning to create a film for the occasion be sure to have an idea of how to go about it. Set clear goals regardless of whether you're aiming to create awareness, increase the number of sign-ups, or even inviting guests to the comforts of their home. To avoid spending excessively, set an appropriate budget, and stick to the program you have established.

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