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Apr 1, 2023

If you are not actively using checkout automation in your creator business, then you are missing the opportunity. This is Scott Moran the co-founder at , the commerce platform for creators, and checkout automation is the future of eCommerce.

We'll discuss four ways that you can leverage the same technology Amazon and Apple are dumping ungodly sums of money to extract greater profits from your sales of digital goods. The information in this article was taken directly from a mini-book that we wrote that we titled "The Checkout Automation Blueprint". If you like the 4 techniques we'll provide you with now take a look here to download a no-cost copy of this book . You can also obtain 18 additional strategies similar to the one we've created.

Checkout Automation is an easy idea, however it's probably it's not something you've heard. No, I'm not talking about automated checkouts that cannot tell if you've put the bananas in the bag or not. Checkout Automation is the time when you can boost profits and revenue by combining data and buyer behaviour to make the best product at the appropriate time to the right person.

Imagine how you purchase diapers to feed your child from Amazon, and Amazon advises you to add baby wipes with the purchase. It's checkout automation in action.

For instance, how some of your preferred softwares offer you the chance upgrade to annual billing after you login for the 5th time. That's the automated checkout. If you are able to present the right person, with the appropriate offer at the right time and you'll win. Checkout Automation is already taking over online shopping. Let's look at four easy ways to take advantage of the trend and pull more revenue from your digital product sales.

First, let's discuss coupons that are pre-applied. From the Database We know that when coupons are included in the order, conversions can be 41% higher! When our creators pre-apply a coupon for a client, we've witnessed conversions up to two times.

As a first step of automated checkout, offer your customers who are new to you a discount to buy something else following their purchase. With it, you are able to personalize the purchase receipts for every single item that you offer.

When someone purchases your meal plan that lasts for six weeks You can modify the receipt so that it includes an online link for the purchase of exercise plans. You can also include a coupon pre-applied offering them 20% off for becoming a brand new customer and you've just given to the correct person the perfect offer at the right time.

Let's discuss about the Late Inning Payment Plan.
Pay-per-click plans are extremely popular when it comes to digital goods. It doesn't matter if you're offering a place in your group training or a costly service or a costly course, it's common for digital creators to include various payment methods.

So customers can make a full payment and break the payments into smaller pieces through an installment plan. So, let's get some magical fairy dust for checkout automation to sprinkle over the payment plan to gain more from them.

You shouldn't provide a payment plan right off the bat. So if you have an event that has attendees and you offer a payment plan after the presentation should not include an option to pay. At least, at least not immediately. Offer your audience an alternative, which is to make the payment the entire amount. And then as you get nearer to the deadline for buy, introduce your alternative payment plan.

Retaining the payment plan up to "late period" is a way to earn even more cash, since increasing numbers of customers choose to make a full payment. Then, introducing the payment plan acts as another reason for your audience to rethink what they're buying. People get banner-blindness so quickly. Introducing a payment plan is one of the reasons people come back and look again.

Bonus points if you introduce the plan of payment the day before you close off your deal for good. A boost in conversion from the countdown timer ticking away will act as an increase in conversion trampoline. But instead of falling in a crash and breaking the arm, you will get tons of new paying customers.

To put this into practice, take your sales page and copy it into . Then, on the duplicated page include your payment plan as an option to your customers. This means you'll now have a page that allows you to pay in total, and another site that has an option for payment plans. On the initial day or two, send visitors to the page with just paying in full. When your offer is over begin sending visitors to the duplicate page, with the option of paying in full or the option of a payment option.

The penultimate automated checkout strategy is known as"The Early Payoff.
Do you remember all the payment plans you offered in your previous strategy? You're probably selling hundreds of plans by the time you're writing this. If you use payments plans, you're trading a lot. The idea is to attract more customers as a result of not having to collect every penny upfront.

What if you could get your cake and eat it too? Be aware that automated checkout is about getting the correct offer in the hands of the appropriate person and at the appropriate moment. So the next time you've got a couple of customers on payment plans, make sure you send them this email.

30 days after someone buys an item, you can send them an email to the person who purchased that gives them a chance to save 20% on paying off the balance of their subscription early. Invite them to respond "YES!" To the email and you'll be able to take care of the rest.

If you are getting these "YES" replies, pull up that customer's purchase and hit the Payoff button. Incorporate the discount that you'd like and then utilize the customer's card in file to collect the rest of that money.

Simple for users like. It's easier for your customers. Also, you'll be significantly increasing your cash flow. Do not worry about losing payments made through payment plans due because of declined cards or failed payments. Pay off early for cashing in your money today.

Last one. Checkout Automation fourth strategy is known as"Subscription Saver..

These recurring payments that we've talked about ....they can be extremely risky. Anyone who has subscriptions to a membership program and payment plans to a course, or has customers who have retained a service knows that collecting funds on autopilot is the ultimate goal of digital commerce.

Have you considered how decline payment, stolen or lost credit cards, or even simply expired cards affect this recurring revenue? This is a shocking statistic from the database, the average credit card successfully bills 4.33x before issues begin to appear. In other words, you can reasonably anticipate 5 months of regular charging until charges that are declined start taking away your profits.

What does checkout automation have to have to say? The Subscription Saver is an automatized robot butler who works all hours of the day to safeguard the revenue you earn from shrinking each month.

When a customer's card declines it takes action and sends the customer an email with a special link for updating their account straight from their mailbox. Never one to rest on their accomplishments, Subscription Saver continues this procedure automatically and makes 4 attempts over the course over 16 calendar days.

Add that to Card Account Updater which utilizes AI to guarantee that the moment your client updates their credit card at the local gym, it updates their card on file for your membership. You can clearly see that automating core functions like this are a slam cash-maker for any with recurring sales.

Checkout Automation isn't really the next thing. It's here now, on every major site that you visit, and in nearly all of your favorite software that you use daily. The most important thing is getting automated checkout to benefit the business and you.

If you're looking for 22 additional checkout automation strategies that can make you more money, then make sure you download The Checkout Automation Blueprint.